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  1. spawn00000
    • premium
    • 930 kudos
    Read description carefully, install and update all reqs before reporting bugs!
  2. qasdfgjhgvc
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    could you add a function that change the armor capacity? more than just 1500
  3. POPEYE124421
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What this mod does actually.... sorry I don't seem to get it
  4. uglykidcid
    • premium
    • 84 kudos
    Does this mod still do anything with 2.0 Phantom Liberty?

    Never mind, I see what it does. So my chest armor 2.0 was +25 and now it's +30. This works exactly as describe and is very much updated for 2.0
  5. zerojinnu
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    can't seem to get it to work? or am i doing something wrong?. i changed the armor value and reloaded my save, but nothing happens?
    or does this only work with spawn's clothing mods?
    1. zerojinnu
      • member
      • 1 kudos

    2. spawn00000
      • premium
      • 930 kudos
      show mod menu in game

      It works only with clothes which has armor value not with all clothes.
      So check out upper torrso and helmets
    3. zerojinnu
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      i found out, that was the case while trying out different clothing. i made it work by using your subdermal armour mod and making them as a base to add the armor stats while using equipment-ex to style my clothes (which i think that this was the way you intended to use this mod to begin with).

      It's working fine now, but there is the issue where the values reset when you restart the game, even when the mod is enabled in CET. every time i restart the game to try out other mods, the values goes back to 25 and i have to 'SET AND SAVE' again. 
    4. webravager
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      +1 same here on 2.2 game have to set & save then save game and load the save to see the effect after each time of getting out of the game
    5. spawn00000
      • premium
      • 930 kudos
      Fixed that it had to be set and save after quiting game

      zerojinnu This works only for clothes which has vanila armor value
    6. Drapsheik
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Can you tell me which clothes have armor? I can't seem to find any of them and I have a mod that adds all vanilla clothes to atelier store.
  6. TheDudeAbides157
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I wish this could apply to all clothing, even if the bonus for most clothes was tiny it would at least be more canon/lore accurate. Not to mention that it would make some of the clothing items names make sense again.

    By changing armor to only come from cyberware CDPR decided to just forget about the like, super-kevlar material called aramid. It's still technically a thing in game since so many pieces of clothing have names like, "Aramid lined Jacket" or "Aramid weave pants". Then there's my favorite for how stupid it seems now that they give no armor but a lot of them are actually named something like, "Aramid-lined Armored jacket". Pre and Post patch 2.0 must have very different definitions of "Armored" 

    Hell, a lot of netrunner suits are even supposed to be (very) lightly armored because they have aramid or kevlar integrated into whatever material those skintight things are made of.
  7. ColaCherry12
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    where did you get the sexy cursor from Pic 2?
    1. spawn00000
      • premium
      • 930 kudos
      my icon mod-
    2. ColaCherry12
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you ❤️
  8. Maniac3020
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    This mod is a must have. I use it for roleplay, wearing functional armored vests/helmets.
  9. koledadosoledado
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Vanilla armor value is 5 scaled by item quality. (For instance common item is 5 and legendary is 25)

    ----------> This mod sets armor value to 6 by default scaled by quality. (common item will be 3 and legendary 30)

    Do you mean...

    This mod sets armor value to 6 by default scaled by quality (common item will be 5 and legendary 30) ???
  10. webravager
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Is there by chance an .ini file or something I can change values in to permanently set the armor rating rather than having to go into the CET menu and set/save - reload everytime I enter the game???
    1. spawn00000
      • premium
      • 930 kudos
      fixed bug that us had to set it every time
  11. Faisal619
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Can it do it just for V instead of NPCs once as well ?