“I’m ready, man. Check-it-out. I’m the ultimate badass…. state of the badass art. You do not want to f*#@ with me. Check it out. Hey Panam, don’t worry me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you. Check it out… independently targeting particle-beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart-missiles, phased-plasma pulse-rifles, RPG’s. We got sonic electronic ballbreakers, nukes, knives….. sharp sticks.”
"Yeah, only you forgot the damned vending machines. Now go get my latte!"
Hope you like the APC. I’ve taken it as far as I can now, with the interior modelling, lights and alternative skins. You can also try the apc_armed version to fire the guns.
nuke the entire site for morbid OR nuke the the entire site from orbit?
"Yeah, only you forgot the damned vending machines. Now go get my latte!"
nuke the entire site for morbid OR nuke the the entire site from orbit?