If you have the console codes for the missing items that would be awesome. As for the flags I used the unflag from save edit but it didn't seem to work. But the thrusters can be unequipped anyway.
Where did you get the booty shorts? Specifically, the gold and silver ones. I think it's called "old gold tac-fabric duolayer cut off shorts" and "anti-puncture cut-off shorts". I can only find the denim ones.
Thanks for that awsome mod... Do you also have an older V1.04 savegame? I just want's to play as your V and don't need all the other stuff. Also don't want to start the game again witzh charater editing...
That's exactly what i want to do... but since your savegame is 1.05 or never i can't merge it with my 1.04 savegame. Anyway i'll make i new char with your slider-settings and merge this with my savegame. Thanks for sharing.
How to - Remove Quest Mark from items and Edit Clothes
Url has ' : ' missing.
Same goes for V's streetwear/corpo/nomad items, and the three corresponding outfits.
Rogue's retrothrusters and Custom Predator Armor/Boots, too.
Thanks for all your great work!
I'll keep adding items that are missing for the collection as I find them -- if you do not mind, of course.
Thanks for the greaaaaat work!
I'm glad you enjoy it. :)
As for the flags I used the unflag from save edit but it didn't seem to work. But the thrusters can be unequipped anyway.
Do you use discord? It would be a lot more efficient for me to send you updates there, instead of cluttering the comment section here.
And again, THANK YOU for this awesome collection <3
Game.AddToInventory("Items.Cap_04_old_01", 1)
Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q202_Epilogue_Pants", 1)
Where did you get the booty shorts? Specifically, the gold and silver ones. I think it's called "old gold tac-fabric duolayer cut off shorts" and "anti-puncture cut-off shorts". I can only find the denim ones.
You are a rockstar!
The shorts are at the arasaka tower vendor. One of the luxury vendors in the area.
Do you also have an older V1.04 savegame?
I just want's to play as your V and don't need all the other stuff.
Also don't want to start the game again witzh charater editing...
Anyway i'll make i new char with your slider-settings and merge this with my savegame.
Thanks for sharing.