About this mod
This mod changes acceleration to be more gradual, adds L_Shift to speed up & L_Ctrl to downshift(which has gearing down effect),, also adds 'Cruise' buttons for both low & high speed driving to the Mouse4/5 buttons(Thumb), it might sound simple but makes a huge difference, hope you like it!
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Hi everyone! Long time, still alive just been hectic past year moved house twice & now have 3 kids, sorry for the long delay on any updates.
- Vehicle acceleration & turning values seem to have been adjusted via game updates so I've taken down the standalone versions & updated the input loader version with faster W & S Accel/Decel & tweaked the default steering values which are too sharp.
- Mouse4 cruise has also been changed to allow cruise + normal turning, the halved turning function has been removed as it no longer worked like before.
- Still testing bike/wheelie functionality.
- Added 2.13 Vanilla Input.xml under Miscellaneous files for those having trouble removing standalone version.
Save file to main Cyberpunk 2077 directory, right-click 'extract here', click 'yes to all' when prompted.
Cyberpunk 2077 v2.1 CONTROLS:
Immersive Driving
W = Slow Accelerate
L_Shift / R_Shift = Fast Accelerate (Hold for Rapid Gear Up)
L_Ctrl/R_Ctrl = Decelerate (Hold for Slow Gear Down)
S = Slow Down Faster
Mouse 5 = High speed cruise, works as a very low acceleration value so can be affected by terrain, picking up speed downhill or losing speed uphill, turning limited.
Mouse 4 = Same as 5 but with normal turning values.
Bikes (Move left hand over to arrow keys if you still want mouse/camera control):
Up Arrow = Lean Forward/Decelerate
Down Arrow = Lean Backward/Accelerate
Left/Right Arrow = Steer Wheelie
- Use COMBINATIONS of buttons together seems to work best, e.g. W take off, add Shift to pickup speed, let go of shift and hold Ctrl with W to slow down, or ctrl alone to slow down faster, or ctrl+S for rapid geardown. etc. There's lots of combinations to try as you get used to the extra keys. Hold mouse4 or 5 for smoother turning angle on highway slip-lanes & on-ramps or to stabilize speed when doing long wheelies.
- The cruise functions aren't perfect as the game will not allow a fixed speed value, only very low acceleration values so depending on the vehicle and terrain, you will slowly lose or gain speed depending on which cruise button you are holding, so best used in conjunction with tapping W or LCtrl to stabilize speed.
- The new bike lean feature will get thrown off balance when shifting up/down while doing a wheelie, so I recommend picking up speed then holding mouse4 or 5 with down arrow to stabilize if you want to keep it straight for as long as possible, experiment.
- Not all bikes stunt well, doing wheelies the Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X easily goes off balance on every gear shift, try Nazare.
- If you have any issues getting the manual versions to work, in-game go to settings>key bindings & hit the defaults button.
Immersive Walking
W = Brisk Walk
Hold Shift to Sprint(Default)
Hold Mouse 4 or 5(Thumb buttons) to walk slower.
Hold Mouse 4 + 5 Together, super slow walk.
Works in crouch mode and together with the new 'walk toggle' button(G).
*Note: This mod is PRIMARILY for Keyboard & Mouse users, I had to remove controller support due to lack of available buttons to remap, especially after Phantom Liberty launch /w vehicle combat, sorry :(. The left trigger is pressure sensitive so you CAN slow gear down without any mods on a controller, its just hard to do because you have to hold the trigger in only slightly, like 1/4 or 1/5th of travel to get the slow gear down effect.
Phantom Liberty release - So,, most mods broke including Input loader & its dependencies, just went with the oldschool method of directly editing the input.xml files which I've shared in the files section,, the downside is it *replaces* InputUserMappings.xml which means any of your own custom keybinds will be removed. Still its useful as this way is much more reliable and will still work between any patches.
Standalone Install
- Create a backup copy of InputUserMappings.xml in your Cyberpunk 2077/r6/config folder if you want a quick way to restore your original controls.
- Extract my mod to the main game directory & overwrite if prompted.
W = Slow Acceleration
Left Shift = Faster Acceleration which can be pressed together with W or by itself.
Left Ctrl = Slow 'downshift' but make sure to let go of Accelerate,,, S can be combined with LCtrl for faster downshifting effect.
S = Default Behavior, fast stop & cut engine to reverse.(No Geardown noise).
Spacebar = Default Behavior.
Mouse Thumb Buttons:
Mouse5(Closest to left click) = Low Speed Cruise Under 50, Hold as a modifier to cut turn value in half.
Mouse4 = Higher Speed Cruise around 70.
Still working fine on v1.63 just update input loader.
Immersive Driving 1.3
Updated controller bindings due to conflicts;
- Right Trigger = Fast Acceleration
- Y/Triangle = Slow Acceleration
- Left Trigger = Fast Deceleration
- DPad Up = Slow Deceleration(Geardown) can be used together with Left Trigger for faster geardown, just make sure to hold DPad Up First before pressing left trigger together with it. - It takes practice to get used to the new controls so give it some time too.
Immersive Walking 1.1(Optional File)
- Change Hold to Walk to Mouse5 to avoid rebind of Hold to Crouch.
Mouse5 can now be held as a modifier to cut turn sensitivity in half for smoother high speed lane changes & wider turns such as on/off ramps & both mouse thumb buttons now work as low/high cruise buttons, Mouse5 is good for speeds under 50, while Mouse4 is better for speed around 70(You still have to use LShift/Accelerate to reach cruising speed first).
Updated controller bindings due to conflicts;
- Right Trigger = Fast Acceleration
- Left Trigger = Fast Deceleration
- Left Shoulder = Slow Deceleration(Geardown) can be used together with Left Trigger for faster geardown, just make sure to hold Left Shoulder First before pressing left trigger together with it. - It takes practice to get used to the new controls so give it some time too.
- Merged Keyboard + Controller Support/Updated bindings to account for pressure sensitivity on Triggers(Not Tested)
- Experimental Cruise function added to Mouse4/5(Thumb Buttons) for Mouse & KB only.
Hey chooms, this is my first 'mod' although it's very similar in function to many other driving mods such as IMMERSIVE DRIVING 1.5 by ORIONDSVBBS - which hasnt been updated but still works & inspired me to create this for v1.6, as the huge problem I noticed is many LACK a proper description,, in short it's just a input.XML file that modifies driving values which improves user control, but installation can be complicated if you use older methods, while this one installs easily after you install the main requirements of RED4Ext & Input Loader AND I'm actually going to explain how to use it.
But first a important note on driving mods, since Cyberpunk 2077 release there were many complaints about driving but I feel MOST of the issues are resolved as of patch 1.6, handling is actually pretty good at default as long as you learn the keys and PRACTICE instead of trying to take sharp turns at 120KPH without slowing down,, but that ties in to another problem, one point that was sorely missing, at least on PC was decent SPEED CONTROL, you're either going at full throttle or coming to an abrupt stop to try and take a turn making it hard to judge properly, & this mod actually gives you back that missing factor.
So what this XML file does is it slightly adjusts turning values & changes the default acceleration to be slower & adds speed modifiers(Hotkeys) for going faster & slowing down, the default keys are
Left Shift for faster acceleration(Upshifting) - Can be held WITH accelerate or by itself.
Left Ctrl for slower deceleration.(Downshifting) - Release Accelerate when slowing down.
W = Slow Acceleration
Left Shift = Faster Acceleration which can be pressed together with W or by itself.
Left Ctrl = Slow 'downshift' but make sure to let go of Accelerate,,, S can be combined with LCtrl for faster downshifting effect.
S = Default Behavior, fast stop & cut engine to reverse.(No Geardown noise).
Spacebar = Default Behavior.
Mouse Thumb Buttons:
Mouse5(Closest to left click) = Low Speed Cruise Under 50, Hold as a modifier to cut turn value in half.
Mouse4 = Higher Speed Cruise around 70.
- Right Trigger = Fast Acceleration
- Y/Triangle = Slow Acceleration
- Left Trigger = Fast Deceleration,
- DPad Up = Slow Deceleration(Geardown) can be used together with Left Trigger for faster geardown, just make sure to hold DPad Up First before pressing left trigger together with it. - It takes practice to get used to the new controls so give it some time too.
Controller Note: I don't have a controller to test so I'm not 100% sure if the bindings are ok & how well they will function, but given triggers are pressure sensitive, I shifted the higher value(fast) Accel & Decel to them as they should work best there. The main benefit to controllers is the slow drive & decel buttons.(Y/Triangle & D-Pad Up).
You can further edit the XML to swap the hotkeys, change values OR if you simply want to view or create the XML manually here's the bindings;
-----------------ImmersiveDriving.xml , OR for the no input loader version, InputUserMappings.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- You can change the hotkeys -->
<!-- Available keycodes: https://pastebin.com/nsQ1cqi8 -->
<!-- MAPPINGS -->
<mapping name="Acceleration_Axis" type="Axis" >
<button id="IK_Pad_RightTrigger" val="1.5" overridableUI="vehicleAccelerate"/>
<button id="IK_Up" val="1.5"/>
<button id="IK_LShift" val="1.5"/>
<button id="IK_Pad_Y_TRIANGLE" val="0.2" overridableUI="vehicleAccelerate2"/>
<button id="IK_W" val="0.2"/>
<button id="IK_Mouse5" val="0.028"/>
<button id="IK_Mouse4" val="0.1"/>
<mapping name="Deceleration_Axis" type="Axis" >
<button id="IK_Pad_LeftTrigger" val="1.0" overridableUI="vehicleDecelerate"/>
<button id="IK_Down" val="1.0"/>
<button id="IK_S" val="1.0"/>
<button id="IK_Pad_DigitUp" val="0.2" overridableUI="vehicleDecelerate2"/>
<button id="IK_LControl" val="0.2"/>
<!-- VEHICLES -->
<mapping name="LeftX_Axis_Vehicle" type="Axis" >
<button id="IK_Pad_LeftAxisX"/>
<button id="IK_Right" val="1.3" overridableUI="vehicleSteerRight2"/>
<button id="IK_Left" val="-1.3" overridableUI="vehicleSteerLeft2"/>
<button id="IK_D" val="1.3" overridableUI="vehicleSteerRight"/>
<button id="IK_A" val="-1.3" overridableUI="vehicleSteerLeft"/>
<button id="IK_Mouse5" val="0.0"/>
<button id="IK_Mouse4" val="0.0"/>
A bit more explanation if you want to adjust further;;
IK_ stands for which hotkey is being modified, while the val=#.# relates to the speed used for that key.
So for example the default 'go forward' key on PC is W, the line for it is:
<button id="IK_W" val="0.2" overridableUI="vehicleAccelerate"/>
The line <button id="IK_LShift" val="1.5" /> lets you hold shift to add speed, if you prefer another hotkey you can simply change 'LShift' to anything you desire(that isnt mapped to something else) via the keycodes/button list here: https://pastebin.com/nsQ1cqi8
val="1.0" is the default acceleration value, 0.2 gives more gradual acceleration, like a driving sim & if this is too slow you could edit & increase these values further, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 etc. When holding 2 buttons together, the value will be an average between both, so if you want more aggressive acceleration, let go of W and press LShift by itself, OR for default acceleration when pushing W+LShift together, increase the LShift value to 1.8 or higher so the combined average will be 1.0.
As for deceleration 'S' still behaves as normal when pressed by itself, as it feels more natural to use a modifier key for slowing down the same way shift speeds up, Left Ctrl has been set to decrease the acceleration slowly at a value of 0.2, this basically lets the car downshift naturally & you'll HEAR the noise of it, pressing Left Ctrl first then S together will give rapid geardown.
If you prefer the 'normal' steering, I also added a second download with default values, OR if you already have the original file, you can simply right click & edit the values in r6/input/ImmersiveDriving.xml from 1.3 to 1.0 as shown below. This matters much more for Keyboard users since we don't have thumb sticks.
<!-- VEHICLES -->
<mapping name="LeftX_Axis_Vehicle" type="Axis" >
<button id="IK_Pad_LeftAxisX" />
<button id="IK_Right" val="1.0" overridableUI="vehicleSteerRight2"/>
<button id="IK_Left" val="-1.0" overridableUI="vehicleSteerLeft2"/>
<button id="IK_D" val="1.0" overridableUI="vehicleSteerRight"/>
<button id="IK_A" val="-1.0" overridableUI="vehicleSteerLeft"/>
I hope this explanation was easy to understand & improves your Cyberpunk experience! Enjoy!
Baby Driver
Accurate Speedometer
Better Vehicle First Person
These mods have also been tested compatible & work great with Immersive Driving in Cyberpunk 2077 v1.6;
Let There Be Flight
Vehicle Combat
Just be sure to download & install all the specific mod requirements to avoid script compilation errors.
Generally most mods will be compatible including all the vehicle/bike overhauls as long as they dont mess with INPUT(Controls), aggressive acceleration changes to the vehicles or bikes themselves will limit the effect of this mod but the controls will still work, you can check a mod by going to the mod file page preview and make sure there are no r6/input/ .XML files in the mod package you want to try with immersive driving.