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  1. riviera13
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I have not tested this mod with 1.63

    If you are having issues please let me know.

    I believe that this mod will probably break if you update because the dependency mods have to be reconfigured with every update.

    Please revert back to 1.62 or wait for me and other people to fix the mods.

    Thank you.
  2. riviera13
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I would like to let everyone know that this mod does work with the varied projectile launcher effects mod by dillingspam located here:

    I highly recommend that everyone get this mod and download the alternate file which allows for my true intent in how these new rounds should be portrayed in game be displayed to you all.

    Please as always let me know if you have suggestions, please let me know if you have additions you want to add.

    The roadmap that I have for further updates to this mod are as follows:

    2.1 update:
    Change the default values of some of the rounds as the damage is not what I intended; further tweaks are necessary
    hopefully I will figure out why some of the rounds cause a stagger when I thought I programmed them out.

    2.5 update:
    New cooldowns for all launchers with settings to adjust the cooldown for each.
    Individual tweaks and settings for each launcher.

    2.7 update:
    New frags for the launcher (these will just be different variations of the already existing launcher frags)

    3.0 update:
    actual new frags (stuff that doesn't exist in the game already)
    new rounds that will do cooler stuff than the ones I created.

    I'm hoping to get this done before phantom liberty comes out and before I start school up again.
    I do have other things I need to do too. I can't guarantee that everything here will get done but I really want to do it.

    The 3.0 update will be the last new content update for this mod if I even get to it. After that (if I get to it) will just be me cleaning up any bugs I find.

    I hope you all enjoy the mod. Pleas let me know what you think. Please as always let me know if you have suggestions, please let me know if you have additions you want to add.
  3. riviera13
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Hello everyone:

    I wanted to give you all an update on what is going on with this mod. I have an update that will be released very very soon, as in within the next 48 hours. The final preparations are coming in I just need some people to test some things out for me to figure out one last potential issue. 

    Here is some info on what will be included in the update:
    1. New launcher variants

    2. New base round in all launchers (no longer explosion round)

    3. New rounds to buy and use

    4. Many more quality of life updates

    I also want to let you all know that this is not my last planned update either, I hope to be able do another large update that will just focus on adding in more fragments and rounds for the launcher. If anyone has any ideas of things they would like to add please let me know! 

    Thank you all for your kind words, support, and suggestions. I truly appreciate it and I can't wait to hear what you all have to say about the update when it comes out!
  4. dylanshane
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Through much trial and error it appears the mod path is set up wrong if you install through mod manager. instead it appears to work if you install in Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods
    1. riviera13
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      this should be fixed now!
  5. Sonat1ne
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    Can't wait to see an update for Phantom Liberty / 2.01. This mod was so awesome.
    1. riviera13
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Unfortunately with school and my life going to s#*! with literally no computer right now to access this game there is no way I can update this any time soon. I really hope to get back to working on this and doing what I wanted to do but it will take a long time. Sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
  6. peisoner
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    oooo so it's not 2.0 of the game in the description. Please emphasize that you gonk author
    1. dev614
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      imagine calling someone a gonk because you're not smart enough to look when the mod was last updated
    2. Pzikhedelic
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Big gonk energy
    3. Tyrann0saurusM3
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Id say everyone knows gonks cant read, but even Maelstrom can check the spec for updates. 
  7. Fallhayv
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Life happens, I understand, but It is really unfortunate and sad seeing this mod abandoned now
    Best wishes to you, dear creator, and thanks for good time playing with this

    I still hold out hope that someday the hero would return
  8. Chadek
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why do I vaguely recall the different projectile types being an official thing before.
  9. chubacu
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any way to have tranquilizer rounds back? 

    Really loved them in pre-2.0. Really don't get since when some considered it OP, because it had long reload time and was easy to miss, yet sometimes was crucial for clean stealthy non-lethal playthrough when there was too many enemies, and some of them was in a very uncomfortable spot. Also, overall felt badass to just "turn off" the enemy non lethally via hand implant like Adam Jensen does in DE:MD. 

    I really miss it :( 
  10. Fawkse
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  11. Azelplayz99
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    update it please
  12. isalohel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Crash when ask for implants from ripper doc
  13. myzzy4me
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    please update this mod . we need it .
  14. peisoner
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    mod clearly dosen't work with 2.0 idk why you claim it does
  15. peisoner
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i don't get it. where is the new stuff? the mod menu works but i can't find the new stuff and the tweaks folder is no help in finding the new things i just want the tranq launcher bro