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  1. bemridoll
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I think I may be stupid. How does one equip multiple piercings, if the preset only uses ONE slot (12)? I hope this makes sense, I'm still a bit new to modding. 

    I am stupid. I figured it out. Thanks for your hard work and dedication to make Cyberpunk more personalized!
    1. 105rb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      how do you manage to do it? im stupid too lol
    2. eagull
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      Install the framework, this will empty piercings 12 completely. You can then add any amount of PRC .archives to populate slot 12 with your own selection of piercings.
    3. qsVal
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      eagull, could you please kindly add that to the description of this mod? That just helped me understand what this mod actually does! :)
  2. Seranonquantom
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Amazing use of the file names, got me good
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      I would never let you down ;)
  3. Burnout122812
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Some show, while others do not. Ear piercings show but nose, lip and brow do not. I installed correctly and I've used this mod before and now it doesn't work properly. Same goes for the Vanilla Piercing Mirrors mod too.
    1. VadosB
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Today I downloaded this mod for the first time and everything works including the lip, eyebrow and nose
    2. eagull
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      I haven't been able to recreate the issue described above, i suspect it's something related to using automatic mod loaders wrong, but who knows.
  4. gilde136
    • premium
    • 36 kudos
    Hi, can I use your modular piercings for my NPV?
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
  5. Thomasvp
    • premium
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    maybe im just dumb, im sorry, but do i make a new folder called mods and put it in there? im using vortex.
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      Afaik, vortex will just put it there automatically. Not sure tho. If this is the first mod youre installing, you may need to create the archive/pc/mod folder in your game directory. If you already have other mods, they will be there already.
  6. oMerlinRST
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you tell me if it is possible to add a piercing across the elf ear? (In vanilla, it is piercing 02 and appears perfectly on the ear, but this mod is hidden behind the ear)
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      Most things are possible. Hmu on discord for guidance, but you'll have to do this yourself as I'm busy atm.
  7. MrDuk
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    LOL.  I just got Rick-rolled.,   Love it. 
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
  8. WolfPack141
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    where do i go to get the piercing after i download it
  9. HumbleBerryCrunch
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Just wanted to thank you for this mod! This really brings a lot of looks together for me!
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
  10. Hagridas
    • supporter
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    Any chance of mirroring 27 for right ear as well? For male
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      Sorry, i'm really short on time nowadays, and making these is a fairly long and tedious process. Each one has to be manually adjusted for every single face shape, takes a long time unfortunately. You can fairly easily do it just for personal use, that only requires modeling it for one face shape. Hit me up on discord for a quick guide/support, since exporting a morphtarget is a teeny bit more difficult compared to a normal .mesh.