thanks for amazing mode, master <3 since you were alrdy making a mode for this gun, can i ask you to make one to give it attachable long scope? or give any advice on how to do that, it's a shame we can't have it there, my eyesight sux :C
This mod unlocks the attachment slots of every weapon, and adds scope and muzzle slots on weapons that don't have them. I use it specifically for the hypercritical since there's no exclusive mod that lets you modify just that weapon in particular.
however, from my own testing, this mod overrides the reskin, and sets the weapon to default colours when equipping mods such scopes, and muzzles devices.
If you're able to figure out a way that makes the gun able to accept scopes while retaining a reskin, i'd be happy if you were to tell me how.
since you were alrdy making a mode for this gun, can i ask you to make one to give it attachable long scope? or give any advice on how to do that, it's a shame we can't have it there, my eyesight sux :C
however, from my own testing, this mod overrides the reskin, and sets the weapon to default colours when equipping mods such scopes, and muzzles devices.
If you're able to figure out a way that makes the gun able to accept scopes while retaining a reskin, i'd be happy if you were to tell me how.
Make sure you're putting the .archive files in the right place and that you've installed the prerequisite Materials and Texture override mod.