will there be a male version available at some point?
Could you tell me please what outfit you have on for the picture in the description
Big booty lovers not going to be able to use this beautiful mod?
unfortunately not at the moment :(
This https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/8875 has a booty option.
For those who use the EBBRB body, it doesn't look very good. If possible, a specific version for this body type would be great.
Congratulations on the mod. -
The strap is cut off at the booty thats about it. Would be great if you could edit that though. Thanks
Yea I was bit sad that Hyst EBBP_RB does not look that great. That belt looks so nova! Tracking for sure.
When you do make the cyberdeck version for the male, couldyou possibly it be fit into the leg outer category, for Equipment-Ex?
Thanks a lot for doing it <3 i need that belt on my booty :D
Hoping someone may be able to help with this!
I made an attempt to edit the stickers but it's so foreign to me, even with guides I don't know what I'm doing.
I'd like to know if it's possible to make a stickerless version (transparent stickers I guess?), and if so, has anyone done so already?
Thanks! -
Great work OP ! Waiting on compatibility for EBBRB ;)
I had not installed ALL the prerequisites of the other essential mods^^.
Except that the virtual workshop does not appear on my PC in V's apartment...
Alas, I have a script problem. I have absolutely all the prerequisites installed and up to date.
Here is the error message in picture. Once your mod is uninstalled, my game works normally, without any error messages.
Thank you in advance, hoping to benefit from it^^
The wire and belt looks fully black for me unlike in the screenshots
planning on making a male version at some point or nah?
Is it compatible with hyst's body mod?
I really like this mod. Her belt is such a good looking accessory
I want to ask would you make a version without the cables going around the back? with some exposed clothes they look kinda off