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  1. bart0703
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do I access the menu for the mod 
  2. ishshi
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Doesn't work for me :/ I installed Native setting UI aldy-
  3. bdigital510
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    works fine on 2.11
  4. XTjwardX001
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Works fine. I was a tad disappointed with the new level cap and this fixes it. I'm lv 60 and haven't even done the dlc on my new file... Thanks! All the points I need to max out.
  5. JaM1e
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I'm confused as I've installed Cyber Engine Tweaks and this mod, I can bring up the Cyber Engine Tweaks menu in game, however I have no idea how I am meant to access the screen that allows me to add the points?
    1. BokuHaru
      • member
      • 37 kudos
      Native settings UI needs too, look at requirements
  6. Djull
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Hi and thanks for this mod!

    Would it be possible to add options to reduce the number of perks and attibut points in the same way?
    1. BokuHaru
      • member
      • 37 kudos
      Thank you, if you mean deleting points that have not yet been used, I'm sorry to say that I don't know how to do it at this stage.

      If you're talking about Skills or Attributes points that have already been spent, then check here:
      Neu-ReSpec by psiberx
    2. kripcision
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      if you want to remove unspent points you can remove them with the fling trainer
    3. Djull
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Ok thanks !
    4. bloodaxis
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      If you run this code:AttPoints = 10; PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Attribute; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(AttPoints, PointType)
      You'll get 10 attribute points, change that to a negative number and it will remove them.
      This one is for skill points: AttPoints = 10; PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(AttPoints, PointType)
      If you can tie these chunks of code to buttons, you can easily let us manipulate the points. :D

      Alternatively, these three commands remove all unspent points.
      Skillpoints: DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary; CurrAttPoints = DS:GetDevPoints(PointType) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(-CurrAttPoints, PointType)
      Attribute points:DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Attribute; CurrAttPoints = DS:GetDevPoints(PointType) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(-CurrAttPoints, PointType)
      Both:DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, v in next, {gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary, gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Attribute } do CurrAttPoints = DS:GetDevPoints(v) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(-CurrAttPoints, v) end print(" - ALL UNSPENT POINTS REMOVED !")  --also DS:ClearAllDevPoints()
    5. BokuHaru
      • member
      • 37 kudos
      thanks for ruining my mod and added more features, guys  :D
    6. bloodaxis
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Haha I'm sorry. XD
  7. Kryptonean
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how i can use this there is no explanation or anything


    nvm found it in settings > mods
  8. Longshot308
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Does 2.01 affect the mod?
    1. BokuHaru
      • member
      • 37 kudos
      Don't forget to install Cyber Engine Tweaks for 2.01
  9. asdahjraeawqeqth
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    is it possible to reduce the quake ability cooldown?