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File credits
King of Worms - D.R.E.A.M. Patch assets U.E.S.P. (https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Bestiary) - Most texts (slightly edited) are taken from here or the Daggerfall User's Guide (https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Books:Daggerfall_User%27s_Guide)
Donation Points system
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Added ability for mods to modify existing pages, and to register extra pages
Version 2.0
Reworked text database
Reworked page rendering
Fix humanoid bug
Vampires could also carry the book
The chance of the item spawning is lower now
Makes the mod updatable from other mods. (No need to built-in support for Unleveled Spells)
Fixed the darkened monster textures
Added text color settings (for alternative skins)
Version 1.5
Uplifted interface
Added ACTIVE state to buttons
Smashed some bugs
Version 1.4
Added more customization options
Added language skill required for pacification
Improved text formatting
Reworked a part of the internal, hopefully increasing stability
Fixed a bunch of bugs
Version 1.3
Added a "Bestiary" item, that spawns in the world
Added options setting to only unlock the Bestiary after finding the "Bestiary" item
Added options setting to only display entries of beasts already slain
Version 1.2
Killcounts are now tracked
Minor entry text change
Version 1.1
Rebuilt for DFU 12.2
Added dependencies check fro Bestiary - DREAM patch, to ensure it always overrides bestiary data and ins't loaded without it
Fixed some entries showing incorrect spells
Added support for Kab's Unleveled Spells
Modsettings can now be edited mid-game (all except ClassicMode)
Version 1.0
Initial release
Bestiary is a mod, that reintroduces the Bestiary as seen in one of Daggerfall's demos, and further builds upon it.
Pressing "B", or the hotkey of choice, in-game will open the screen, as can be seen in this YouTube video.
Bestiary fully supports D.R.E.A.M. and other texture replacement mods. (the D.R.E.A.M. patch will be integrated into D.R.E.A.M. itself with its next update)