Allows you to enable cheats throughout gameplay.
If you want to Increase/Decrease the length of Biome maps then follow the format of A Long Road in this mod: Additional Biome Modifiers And Goals
Key List for cheats:
Add Gold = G + Shift
Add Torch - T + Shift
Reduce Torch = T + Ctrl
Add Doom = V + Shift
Reduce Doom = V + Ctrl
Add Mastery Points = U + Shift
Show Actor Editor = J + Alt
Heal Health = H + Shift
Damage Health = H + Ctrl
Heal Stress = S + Shift
Damage Stress = S + Ctrl
Trigger Banter (Negative) = Y + Ctrl
Trigger Actout (Positive) = Y + Shift
Add Stage Coach Armor = B + Shift
Remove Stage Coach Armor = B + Ctrl
Add Stage Coach Wheel = F + Shift
Remove Stage Coach Wheel = F + Ctrl
Open Combat Debug (Only in combat) = J + Ctrl
Increase Game Speed = UpArrow + Alt
Decrease game Speed = DownArrow + Alt
Toggle Debug Audio Player = P
Toggle Localization = L
There is much more that you can do with enabling cheats. By all means, do test and find out how the other things/codes operate. I encourage it.
***With every update that Red Hook does with DD2, this mod will not work until it is updated to match with that game version.***
If you want to modify and edit cheats yourself, please access the readme file to learn how which is located in this mod section: DebugInfo
Installation Instructions:
Files go here - Darkest Dungeon II_Data/StreamingAssets/mods/
The mod file already has the directory correct. Therefore, you only need to drag and drop into the DDII directory.
Uninstallation Instructions:
Simply delete the mod files or disable at the title screen.
Feel free to check out my other mods here:
Additional Biome Modifiers And Goals
All Skills Equippable
DD2 Dialogue Project
Four Quirks
Infinite Items
Modify Game Biomes
Monster Mix
Music Mix
No Stress On Passing Turn
Sellable Items
StageCoach - Increased Inventory Space
Stress Endurance