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About this mod

DarkSoulsAutoSave is a fellow Tool, which automagically Backs-Up your Dark Souls Saves and stores/sorts them.

Permissions and credits
DarkSoulsAutoSave3 is a fellow Tool, which automagically Backs-Up your Dark Souls Saves and stores/sorts them.

It uses a 100 Save-Limit Loop in 10 Minute Cycles, which implies
16.66666666666667 Hours of Fun and Death, and no worries about your
Haha, not anymore as DSAS3 now harnesses the Powers of Multi-Threading!

I actually don't know now big a Savefile can get but from my 2 Chars, a 4
MB Save and a 10 Char limit, I'll estimate 21 MB per "full" Save,
which will add up to 2.1 GB of Space @ 100 Saves.
So keep it safe, don't play too long and quit DSAS, to prevent your Harddrive from suffering a horrible Death.

I do not take responsibillity for any Data Loss!
I do not take responsibillity for any Damages caused by this or any other Software.
Use at your own Risk!

<-------------------------------How to Use------------------------------->

Just download and execute the File.
DSAS3 needs to be run with Administrator Privileges, as Microsoft does not allow to create Symbolic Links as non-Admin!
If you want to exit DSAS 3, just press Enter, DSAS3 creates a Backup and closes automatically.
All created Files can be found under "C:\Users\<YourNameHere>\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII\DarkSoulsAutoSave3"

Good Luck and happy Praising! \[T]/

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