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About this mod

Do you know what time it is?

Permissions and credits
This is a spinoff of my previous mod , in that one you play exclusively as Deacon, just wearing various outfits. In this one you play as a custom NPC. Now this is only a cosmetic change, you still are "Deacon" but the face is different and there's no tattoos.

Right now there is just the one outfit, think of it as like a "Beta" outfit. It works totally but there is a *tiny* amount of clipping on the wrists because of the gloves. For now I'm gonna leave it up there for people to use if they like or if the clipping doesn't bother them. In the future I'm going to add some more options like retextures, more glove options, and backpacks, probably in the next few days or so of writing this (June 22).

-Can I request something?
If you wanna request something, I'll hear you out, but it needs to be related to this mod. Like if you want a certain pair of gloves or
something idk. Just don't ask me to make the whole outfit black, or to make something totally unrelated. I make these for my enjoyment and fun and like sharing them. Just please don't be annoying.

Criticism is fine, if something is broken or there are issues by all means let me know, just please keep in mind I nor any other person who makes mods is a personal curator for everyone's individual wishes.

-Can you take the helmet off?
Not for this mod no. I'm going to make more outfits in the future without helmets and such but they will not be on this mod page.

-Can you put Deacon's head on?
No. Deacon's head model is made specifically for his clothes, sometimes it works with other ones but for a majority of them it won't work. You can check out my previous mod for something similar where you still play as "Deacon".

-Is it compatible with (X Mod)?
If the mod doesn't change Deacon's appearance then yes. Any gameplay or stat mods or anything like that are fully compatible. If you have a different character mod installed then no your game will break.

-The camera falls to the ground when melee killing enemies and opening cars??
Yeah unfortunately that happens when you have a head mesh that is not Deacon's, can't fix it right now but it's honestly not a huge deal in my opinion.


-New Gloves
-New tops (possibly, they're really annoying to get working)