2.1.4 Update - Breast terrain collision physics has been added to every costume except for Marie (only for official costumes. not your custom costume mod) - Marie's breasts can interact with her own arms - Adjusted breast bounciness for some costumes - Few moves can make breasts squeeze - Removed nipple bump for some costumes (mostly for leather outfits) - Removed unnecessary screen shake on Jacky's Cliffhanger - Adjusted screen shake on Leon's Head Crush - Disabled Marie's maid headband for some costumes
Known issue - Female character's breasts keep squeezing during story mode cutscenes when the location is the oil platform
I make a cautious suggestion. I'm using a mod that allows outfits to be destroyed, is it possible to increase the damage required to destroy them? Unlike the console version, the costume is destroyed along with the hat, and I would like to increase the requirement so that it is destroyed around round 2. If this is not too difficult, please consider it. Thanks, I'm having a lot of fun with it.
조심스레 건의 드립니다. 의상파괴가 가능한 모드를 사용 중인데, 파괴까지 필요한 데미지를 더 늘릴 수 없을까요? 콘솔판과 다르게 모자와 함께 의상이 너무나 쉽게 파괴되는데, 2라운드 즘에 파괴되겠끔 요구량을 늘렸으면 합니다. 혹시 어렵지 않다면 한번 고려해주세요. 덕분에 정말 재밌게 즐기고 있습니다.
누추한 모드를 다운받아주셔서 감사합니다~ pc판의 의상 파괴 모드는 특정 상태, 그니까 모자나 악세사리가 떨어져 나가는 것 처럼 공중 저글, 날아가는 상태를 기준으로 작동됩니다. 그래서 아무리 백단 콤보를 맞아도 한번도 안 띄워졌다면 벗길 수 없고 반대로 공중에서 살짝만 톡 때려도 벗겨질 수 있습니다 콘솔판은 해본적이 없어서 잘 모르겠지만 대충 파워 블로우, 크리티컬 버스트나 바닥에 쎄게 부딪히면 옷이 파괴되는 걸 보면 그것도 항상 대미지에 따라 파괴되는 것은 아닌 것 같아요ㄷㄷ 어쨌든 pc판 파괴 모드는 어떻게 할 수 있는 방법은 아직 없는 것 같습니다... 의상 파괴에 대해선 깊게 파고들지 않아서 저도 무슨 파일을 건드려야 할지 모르겠네요.. 도움을 드리지 못해서 죄송합니다 ㅠㅠ
Can this work on Steam Deck. I'm not sure how reshuffle can be run on steam deck. Can I just drag and drop files and it will still work without resuffle?
I hope the costumes from the old version will return at some point. I thought they looked too cool to be cut, especially the doa6 costumes and that one costume for zack.
- Fixed skin, dirt textures for Lisa dlcu 023 - Adjusted facial expression for Hitomi - Added unused voice grunt for Christie's 7k - Added screen shake on Oboro moves for Kasumi and her clones - Adjusted strength for skin sweat / wet shader
So i downloaded this. Took some work to figure out the installation but i eventually got it working.
So now i'm trying to import other costume mods, and while I know autolink should work fine (i've used it in the past with no issue, and it doesn't seem like this mod would interfere), a number of the mods I would actually like to insert with the lnk_reshuffle tool. I successfully overwrote cos and dlc costumes with reshuffle, but when it comes to dlcu I can't get them to insert. Can anyone help me with this?
Edit: NVM, I didn't realize the list of costumes on the side scrolls.
- Breast terrain collision physics has been added to every costume except for Marie (only for official costumes. not your custom costume mod)
- Marie's breasts can interact with her own arms
- Adjusted breast bounciness for some costumes
- Few moves can make breasts squeeze
- Removed nipple bump for some costumes (mostly for leather outfits)
- Removed unnecessary screen shake on Jacky's Cliffhanger
- Adjusted screen shake on Leon's Head Crush
- Disabled Marie's maid headband for some costumes
Known issue
- Female character's breasts keep squeezing during story mode cutscenes when the location is the oil platform
Unlike the console version, the costume is destroyed along with the hat, and I would like to increase the requirement so that it is destroyed around round 2.
If this is not too difficult, please consider it. Thanks, I'm having a lot of fun with it.
조심스레 건의 드립니다. 의상파괴가 가능한 모드를 사용 중인데, 파괴까지 필요한 데미지를 더 늘릴 수 없을까요?
콘솔판과 다르게 모자와 함께 의상이 너무나 쉽게 파괴되는데, 2라운드 즘에 파괴되겠끔 요구량을 늘렸으면 합니다.
혹시 어렵지 않다면 한번 고려해주세요. 덕분에 정말 재밌게 즐기고 있습니다.
pc판의 의상 파괴 모드는 특정 상태, 그니까 모자나 악세사리가 떨어져 나가는 것 처럼 공중 저글, 날아가는 상태를 기준으로 작동됩니다. 그래서 아무리 백단 콤보를 맞아도 한번도 안 띄워졌다면 벗길 수 없고 반대로 공중에서 살짝만 톡 때려도 벗겨질 수 있습니다
콘솔판은 해본적이 없어서 잘 모르겠지만 대충 파워 블로우, 크리티컬 버스트나 바닥에 쎄게 부딪히면 옷이 파괴되는 걸 보면 그것도 항상 대미지에 따라 파괴되는 것은 아닌 것 같아요ㄷㄷ
어쨌든 pc판 파괴 모드는 어떻게 할 수 있는 방법은 아직 없는 것 같습니다... 의상 파괴에 대해선 깊게 파고들지 않아서 저도 무슨 파일을 건드려야 할지 모르겠네요.. 도움을 드리지 못해서 죄송합니다 ㅠㅠ
저에겐, VU 무검열버전과 VU2를 번갈라가며 즐길만큼 애착을 갖는 모드입니다.
고퀄리티의 작품을 공유해주셔서 감사합니다!
What it says when you download it:
exe=F:/Juegos/KOEI/DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round/game.exe
Change it to:
exe=C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Dead or Alive 5 Last Round/game.exe
Or wherever your copy of the steam game is installed
Note that the / are back to front. I had to manually edit them from the file path I copied from my file manager.
You must install lnk reshuffle. or you can't use this mod in any way.
- Changed bound hit sound
- Changed back-turned leg hit sound
- Reverted specular textures on Raidou's Halloween 2017 costume
- Fixed skin, dirt textures for Lisa dlcu 023
- Adjusted facial expression for Hitomi
- Added unused voice grunt for Christie's 7k
- Added screen shake on Oboro moves for Kasumi and her clones
- Adjusted strength for skin sweat / wet shader
So now i'm trying to import other costume mods, and while I know autolink should work fine (i've used it in the past with no issue, and it doesn't seem like this mod would interfere), a number of the mods I would actually like to insert with the lnk_reshuffle tool. I successfully overwrote cos and dlc costumes with reshuffle, but when it comes to dlcu I can't get them to insert. Can anyone help me with this?
Edit: NVM, I didn't realize the list of costumes on the side scrolls.