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  1. flppyflip3
    • premium
    • 19 kudos
    If you're having issues with drop sounds not playing for specific runes, remember to add this line to your Blizzard Launcher parameters for Diablo 2 Resurrected:
    -mod lootfilter -txt

    How do I get to the Blizzard Launcher parameters?

    • Access the GAMES tab at the top of the launcher
    • Click on the game: Diablo II: Resurrected
    • Next to the blue Play button, press the gear icon on the right side of the button
    • From the menu which appears, click on Game Settings
    • Tick the Additional command line arguments box 
    • Enter the line: "-mod lootfilter -txt" without quotation marks
    • Press Done at the bottom left of the window

    These issues only seem to be happening to specific people, so ensure that you have this set up. Remember that it is impossible for functionality of a mod to work for one person, and not for another when the file content is the same and both mods are installed correctly. This would imply there was a mistake in the installation, as both users are running the exact same files.
  2. Phi2358
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Are you aware that this mod bugs items with more than 3 sockets?
    1. bohalka
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I have the same issue would this be resolved ? 
  3. Rabantha
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    There is no README file, please extract the mod into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo II Resurrected" so that there is a mods folder with a folder contained named "lootfilter".

    Can anyone explain this please? I've extracted the zipfile and it;s not working. I've also tried moving it into the 'mods' folder and then also made another folder inside mods naming it 'lootfilter' and dumped it in there but none of those 3 methods are working for me?
  4. Oldamanstalker
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any way to add item lvl to the items that drop on ground? I seen it in other mods filters(not a modder myself just play them)
  5. terror33
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello! Im not sure if the sound is working for me or not. I'm testing the drop sounds in game and nothing has changed? Also, Lo Rune and Sur Rune are missing from the glowing runes. Not sure if any others!
    1. flppyflip3
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      This is definitely not the case as I have dropped a Sur rune yesterday using the filter and it had a sound and light beam. Try reinstalling the mod.
    2. terror33
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'll have to look at the other files on the website, but I have downloaded AlexisEvo Loot Filter and you can see in this screenshot the two files for Sur and Lo rune are missing, this is the zip file unextracted.
      I'm going to download the other files and check them out, maybe that is why the sound notifications aren't working for me. I've managed to create the sur and lo rune files, but the sound is still not working. Is the sound for only native drops or does it not work for runes drop by the player?

      Thank you for the reply and the modifications! I will be using them for sure. I suck at talking to people also lol. Thanks again!
    3. flppyflip3
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      Interesting. I am ALSO missing these files, however, I know for a fact it is working for me, as I had a Sur rune drop in my game with a notification and the correct nameplate. Perhaps the issue is unrelated to the missing files for you. Do you have any other mods installed?
    4. terror33
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This is extremely weird, because I thought it was due to me fusing my current loot filter (which is based off of alexisevo's mod) and it could have been causing issues. I just downloaded your new updated one with the teleport mods highlighted and it is the only modification I've made and still the same results. No modified sound on all runes, and missing the light on Lo and Sur rune. I can confirm after creating my own files they do glow but they do not make any sound. Hopefully I'm not the only one having this issue! lol. 
    5. flppyflip3
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      That is so bizarre. I am glad that the nameplates are showing up at the least, as I'd argue that's the most important feature of the filter, but that shouldn't be happening. Did you try just using the old AlexisEvo filter to see if the issue is the same?
    6. terror33
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      • 0 kudos
      The version I was using did not have the glowing runes at all. I really don't know which one I used or which base it was because I fully customized it. The main change I made was removing the black text they had on most of the unwanted items, I don't see how that would affect it at all. I'm just bummed about the noise honestly, I got the lights working which is HUGE thanks again. I'm probably not going to mess with it anymore and just use it how it is now. I appreciate the responses and hopefully, this will help someone else out. I'm going to put my version up so if someone sees this post check out my profile, only if you're having issues with Sur and Lo runes.

      /e I've uploaded my version, if you wanna steal some of it go for it! It does show a lot less magic and rare bases that are useless in my opinion.
    7. kwag
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      With some testing, turns out you need to add the string "-mod lootfilter -txt" (add -txt) for the sound effects.
    8. Sunnyweeb1337
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for testing, how did you come up with the idea of the -txt? through other/old modifications that were made to Diablo?
    9. seeQ87
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      Can be fixed by making a copy of a rune (e.g. vex_rune) in lootfilter/filter.mpq/data/hd/items/misc/rune and renaming the copy lo_rune or sur_rune respectively.
      Open the files with an editor search vex and replace all with sur or lo, save the file.

      Beams for Lo and Sur done.
  6. Valkryn1138
    • member
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    All high runes have the drop sound except for Cham. Where can I find the file to turn that on?
    1. flppyflip3
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      -mod lootfilter -txt

      In your launch parameters. It is my fault for not including the -txt part to the instructions, as I totally forgot about it.
  7. Blechbixn
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    Do i need to change the language to english or is this even with german possible?
    1. flppyflip3
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      Unfortunately there is only English and I believe some things set for Korean but I have not modified it, that's just what's left from AlexisEvo.
  8. leviathannewt
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I just wanted to say thank you for putting together this awesome loot filter. It's already helped me find runes I would have otherwise lost. Cheers!
    1. flppyflip3
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      Thank you for supporting!
  9. Sunnyweeb1337
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    hey i have a question, what is with that "alert sounds"? like how does that work? the loot filter works perfectly fine but my rune drop sounds are completly normal :0

    thanks for updating that lootfilter <3

    (tested it with Jah and Sur)

    for any other person thanks to @kwag, just add -txt (final line should be look like "-mod lootfilter -txt") and then you have sound. :D
  10. Caedendi
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Hi flppyflip3, I am the developer of Caedendi's Extended Loot Filter for D2RMM. I aim for mine to be the most complete loot filter available by combining/improving features available in all other loot filters while keeping every setting optional. Since I'm constantly trying to improve mine, I am genuinely interested in your opinion on the matter as a loot filter dev/user yourself.

    I am currently in the process of implementing drop alert sounds like your mod has (it's an awesome feature, thanks for the idea) and I have multi-line item tooltips (among others) on the roadmap. Once these are implemented, could you kindly tell me for which reasons (beside that this project is of course your baby) you would still consider your/AlexisEvo's to be the best? I.e. styling, certain features, or something else. My apologies if I come off wrong, merely looking for insight.

    I have, by the way, fixed the disadvantages you mentioned in mine:
    - visibility of junk items can be toggled in the D2RMM settings.
    - I circumvent the charms issue by only coloring the "Charm" section of the name; the "Small/Large/Grand" is in its original color so you can still discern rarity on them, both ID'd and un-ID'd.
    1. flppyflip3
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      I appreciate the well thought out post. One of the main reasons I prefer AlexisEvo's filter over all other filters is the style. The choices they made in the design of the filter make it feel like it has been in the game from the start. Keeping runes orange and just adding a bit of purple really makes them pop, but it never feels like you're using a mod. Being the first filter I used, I also am attached to it in some way so I was sad when I saw that it was no longer being updated.

      The large high rune icon is ideal because even on some other loot filters I feel that the nameplate is not big enough. With this one, it's so big that even if the rune was not showing up on the screen due to screen clutter reducing the amount of drops visible at once, you are highly likely to mouse over it by mistake (despite the drop sound) and notice the massive nameplate of a high or mid rune on the ground.

      Another great thing is that it works really well on BattleNet. I'm not sure how the other filters work online, but this filter was one of the first created for D2R and it doesn't use any scripts at all. It makes me feel as if it is the safest to use if you wanted to use the filter on BattleNet without getting in trouble. That part is mostly just speculation, I don't know if D2RMM works on BattleNet, as I've never used it, but my best guess would be that if it did work it is riskier than using an old fashioned mod that doesn't run any scripts. I am aware that the scripts run through D2RMM not the D2R client but I still like to be safe.

      The visibility is great overall. I never miss what I'm looking for, and I never sit and stare at items. The potions, scrolls, and other misc items are filtered well to where you can tell exactly what they are but take up as little space on the screen as possible. Keys, antidotes, arrows, and thrown potions (to name a few) practically don't show up at all, which is great because they exist solely to fill my inventory when I accidentally click on them.

      What I like about your filter
      I have seen your loot filter and it's certainly not bad, I think the greatest parts about it are the customization, the item levels showing up next to the items, and the other additional information that is displayed that would otherwise be invisible.

      I would suggest making some of the nameplates taller, not just wider. I think having the long nameplates makes it easy to see but it doesn't do that much in the realm of aiding the player in grabbing the item. I think the scrolls, and potions are much more visible in AlexisEvo's filter because they are well colour coordinated and very minimalistic.

      Potion clutter is really bad without a filter, so I think minimizing the amount of text around potions is really important. The ones in AlexisEvo are simply just "100|V" with a purple V for full rejuvenations, and 5HP for super health potions with a red number. It really helps discern between what potions are which with the most minimal amount of clutter.
    2. Caedendi
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Thank you too for the well thought out post. I edited my initial post a few times because I was afraid I would come off wrong. I appreciate the lengthy answer, your thoughts and constructive criticism. Seems like we mostly just prefer different loot filter styles and I think most people do (it's why I offer the "custom" option for each item type filter, though I do wonder how many people actually use it).

      I already mentioned that multi-line tooltips (or taller nameplates like you call them) are on the roadmap, but I think now I'm gonna offer multiple options: one with mostly whitespace like yours, one with my highlight patterns but with whitespace lines above and below, and maybe something in between. And I think I'm gonna add an option to show that "Pick Up" message on tooltips like you have on runes. There are more mods that use that, maybe people just like it that way. Especially for BNet; for single player it doesn't really matter.

      Regarding the way D2RMM works:
      Both D2RMM and full-file-replacing mods only modify the game's text files before the game is booted. So they "work the same way", D2RMM is just a tool to make it easier to combine multiple (small or large) mods. D2RMM does not run "scripts" alongside the game, it can not interfere with the game on runtime and has no way of changing the game's code.

      The javascript code targets the game's .txt and .json files and only changes the values they need to, as opposed to full file mods that replace the entire file. This way you can take Mod A (that only changes row 3 and 4 of file X) and Mod B (that only changes row 5 of file X) and stack 'em. With full file mods you can only pick one. On top of that it's also more transparent as you can just read the code and see exactly what will be changed.

      Regarding the true D2RMM spirit, my mod is actually way too complex and convoluted and should have been split into multipe parts (filter/highlight items, show ilvl, show item quality, light pillars, drop sounds, tooltip mods). I just prefer having it all in one tbh. Maybe someday I'll split it up.
    3. flppyflip3
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      Both D2RMM and full-file-replacing mods only modify the game's text files before the game is booted. So they "work the same way", D2RMM is
      just a tool to make it easier to combine multiple (small or large) mods.
      D2RMM does not run "scripts" alongside the game, it can not interfere
      the game on runtime and has no way of changing the game's code.
      Ah okay, this was my assumption of how it worked, but I wasn't 100% sure.

      I'm glad I could help out!
  11. Caedendi
    • member
    • 8 kudos

    Could you explain to me how the mod for the alarm sounds work?
    I suspect the only sound modding is done in \Data\global\excel\sounds.txt, but the mod does not contain any new sound files. Did you (or the original modder) raise the volume or change any sound files for certain items? If so, which?

    EDIT: nevermind! I have found the commits that change the volume and sound effect.