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  1. sh3riff
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would be interesting but why disabling unique and set items and not able to disable common or rare items?
  2. djzephy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I also wanted to ask, is there a way to reduce how often gold drops, but increase the amount? Is it possible to make a mod that, for example, makes gold drop 99% less often, but be 100x the amount? Thanks.
    1. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I believe it could be possible to achieve this because gold drop supports a multiplier, for example:

      Andy N -> "gld,mul=1280"
      Andy NM -> "gld,mul=1536"
      Andy H -> "gld,mul=2048"

      How exactly the parameter value is taken into account in a formula I am not yet aware but I'm sure it's public information at this point.

      As for making gold drop x% less often that I think might involve quite a bit of maths for adjusting the drop odds for absolutly every single thing that drops, for example:

      Andy N can drop the following: "No drop" (19), "gld,mul=1280" (11), "Act 2 Equip A" (19), "Act 2 Junk" (15), "Act 2 Good (3)"
      So Andy can drop 'nothing' (aka noDrop), gold, or something from a TC (treasure class). TC themselves can pick noDrop, reference another lower treasure class (making them recursive) or an auto TC (the ones that actually contain D2 items).

      So Andy N seems to drop gold with a probability of 11 (gold's chance) / the sum of all chances (19 + 11 + 19 + 15 + 3) = 16.4%.
      However thats not quite the end of the story because if one of the other TC is selected then that one may have gold drops itself or may reference other TCs that can also drop gold. And as a side note of course if the gold selected is not the main one from Andy, but rather from one of its available TCs, then it will likely have no multiplier for the gold value.

      When I will have the time I can play around with the concept and see what I can achieve but I think many people will not be very excited about the need to adjust all the drop odds in a somewhat deep way in order to simply change gold drops.

      On top of that there is also a Gold TC that seems to have no reference in any other modifiable TCs so it must be used somewhere in the code, in fact it's the first line in the TC file and it is explicitly stated that it should not be moved or removed, so the game might crash if we modify it but we will see if that will be the case.
      The more important problem is that if this Gold TC is referenced in code than there might be some drop odds computed in code as well for it and therefore we will not be able to modify its drops.
    2. qd0t
      • member
      • 1 kudos

      "How exactly the parameter value is taken into account in a formula I am not yet aware but I'm sure it's public
      information at this point."

      from my tests it seems like:

      1280 -  5x
      1536 - 6x (with exceptions)
      2048 - 8x
      3072  - 12x

      if you go below 1280 there is some weird behaviour that i wouldn't rely on. and personally i use 5x so i can't guarantee the higher amount accuracy.

      "As for making gold drop x% less often that I think might involve quite a
      bit of maths for adjusting the drop odds for absolutly every single
      thing that drops"

      you are overthinking this. just make a new TC with odds 8 No Drop and 2 for
      prob1 and you got P=0.2, with 5x (1280) you get the same amount of gold
      on avrg. i use it in my personal mod.

      also when i was calibrating my mod (few years ago) i remember there was a statistic difference between putting the values form Prob# into NoDrop. this game is coded very bizarrely (huehue), and while i can't recall the details there is a difference between the two.

  3. Caedendi
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Hey dude, D2RMM v1.6.x has just been released and now has sub-section support! Some ideas to improve the settings menu:
    - create top-level sections for Misc, Armor and Weapons
    - create a section for Class-specific Items
    - create sub-sections for each item quality (Normal, Exceptional, Elite) in most equipment sections, except for small collections like like circlets, throwing, etc
  4. djzephy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello! First of all thanks for making this mod! It makes things way easier when trying to complete a holy grail. Reducing all the clutter makes the game much more enjoyable. 

    However, I'm having an issue with direct mode. I'm running the game in direct mode to reduce loading times. I know there is an option in d2rmm settings to have it work with direct mode, which I enabled. All my other mods (except light pillars expanded) are working perfectly, but this one doesn't work. None of the items are being filtered out. 

    Is this a known issue? Any idea about how I could fix this or find a workaround? I think, for now, I'll just go back to NOT using direct mode, since this mod is a game changer. Thanks!
    1. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hello and thanks for your kind words!

      While I was aware of what direct mode is and I was also aware its meant to be supported with D2RMM I never tried it myself.
      I will make a few tests and come back with some feedback but it might be a week or two if I can't manage to squeeze it in in the next 2 days.
    2. djzephy
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      • 0 kudos
  5. Caedendi
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Sparkly chests still drop potions and gold, for instance the one in The Pit lvl 2 and Tal Rasha's Tombs.
    1. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yeah I did notice that but I just didnt get around to learn how they drop loot yet, I can only assume it's somehow done outside of the treasureclassEx. I'll try to have a look this weekend but no promises just yet.
    2. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      According to some threads from the phrozen keep modding forums sparkly chests have their drops computed in code only therefore they cannot be altered by soft mods. I will add a note for them when I will release a new version.
    3. Caedendi
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      And superchests should be the same then I guess. So if they're fully computed in code only and not influenced by the txt files at all, we don't have to worry that their patterns change either, like for Lower Kurast superchest rune hunting.
    4. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Well not quite. The thing is all chests do use TCs and in a way they drop items from TCs just like monsters do, however sparkly chests have a special algorithm to pick TCs and a sort of 'fallback' if they do not drop anything to instead spit out normal items like potions and gold.

      Regular chests drop very similar to how monsters drop items and as for super chests I am not 100% sure, according to the internet knowledge they are meant to have a fixed numbers of drop combinations, 2^16-2 to be exact,  so in a way they do have a special algorith too.
      However from my testing in LK this mod seems to affect super chests just like it does regular chests and monsters so in the end they seem to do drop from TCs even though somehow they are also meant to be restricted to a fixed number of combinations of drops. 

      So I'd say there is a bit of a knowledge gap for superchests on my side but since the TCs themselves are not meant to be altered, except for making some items have a 0% drop chance and increasing noDrop with the removed items chances, I for one would not worry about superchests not working properly. I might do an LK session 'just for fun' :) 
  6. Erolhtaed
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does this mod change terror zones drop rates in any way?
    Running tz Hell Andy and wondering if the chances of TC87 dropping alters when I remove health and mana pots.

    The reason I'm asking is because I can get the same drops from Andariel like 6 times in a row. Then it is a bit random and then I get back to back the same few drops for a few runs. It's like I get the same drops for a few runs and then it switches for a pair of new items.
    1. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This mod does not work differently for terror zones vs non terror zones.

      Each monster, based on its level, has a chance to drop base items of different qualities (aka treasure classes) and also a chance to not drop anything (aka noDrop).
      Each treasure class can itself have chances to drop either items or chances to recursively select lower treasure classes or again a chance to not drop anything.

      What the mod does is take the drop chance of an item you select to be removed and moves it to noDrop in all treasure classes that can drop that item.

      When a zone is terrorized the only thing that happens is that monsters are given a higher treasure class. Those higher treasure classes themselves are also altered by this mod in the same way, if they can select item X to drop and you removed item X then those terrorized treasure classes will have a higher chance to not drop anything because they can no longer drop item X.

      Please note that item quality (unique, set, rare and magical) is selected after the item base is selected and this mod does not touch item quality odds at all. So even if there might be a bug in what I did for base item selection I dont think there is any interaction that would lead to what you are describing, it's certainly not something that I see and I play a few hours most days since I published the mod.

      Please also check the questions I left for nicoc77 below and please give more specific feedback to make sure that I can check if there is indeed a bug.
    2. Erolhtaed
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for the reply. I fixed it and it had nothing to do with your mod :)
      I removed my saved map seed from commands, rerolled a new map and haven't experienced the same thing since.
    3. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I'm glad we figured it out.

      Also as far as I know you can use a seed to get a map you like and then exit the game, remove the seed and start it again. By doing this you will keep the map but since the seed won't be set the drops should be natural. If someone has more knowledge on the topic please correct me.
  7. tetraknightus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hail friends. Stay a while and listen...

    This mod seems really amazing. Is it possible to run this mod without getting ban hammered by blizzard? Seems like it might be against tos, but I'm new to these types of things and I'd really appreciate the game play around this mod.

    1. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I'm afraid I have no expertise on running mods online or a perfectly clear understanding of the tos.

      But a clear argument can be made that if this even works online than you get a clear advantage over other players therefore I am pretty sure you will get banned. And my first guess is that it won't work online anyway because the odds for item bases must surely be kept server side and not be taken from your local files.

      I suspect in a few years D2R will be opened up for more powerful  mods and tools and we may get 3rd party tools for true item filters that will be silently ignored by Blizzard. Or maybe it's all just wishful thinking on my part :)
  8. nicoc77
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Hi this is an amazing mod, thank you! This maybe just RNG but I disabled the majority of Body Armor with your mod beside the usefull ones like Serpentskin Armor, Mage Plate, Dusk Shroud, Archon Plate, Laquered Plate and Sacred Armor, now I'm farming Meph and got like 10 Vipermagi, I don't know if this is something to do with the mod or just luck.

    edit: same thing with Shako, got like 5 of them.
    1. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This does sound way way too fishy but its worth looking into.
      As far as I understand the mechanisms of the game, and most importantly the item generation algorithm, your result should not be obtainable at all using this mod. I played many many hours before releasing the mod to make sure everything is stable and the drop chances are not altered. You may get lucky and have the bases you want drop more but the chances of getting unique / set / rare / magic items are not touched.I think its unlikely you get double lucky and get both the bases you want and the item quality too but please answer the questions below first.

      How many runs did you do to get 10 vipermagi ?
      How many runs did you do to get 5 shakos ?

      Are you playing on p1 or something else ?

      Was Mephisto terrorized ?

      Were you using at least one sunder charm ? (I ask because I just started using one and it seems like I get a bit more uniques than I used to - could very well be due to RNG - nothing even close to what you are describing though)

      Are you using any other mods ?

      Are you using a seed ?

      On most runs do you even get any items from Meph with your configuration ?
      Bosses have 7 'picks' but can drop at most 6 items. However onece you remove an item its chances are moved to no drop therefore its unlikely to get many items per boss kill if you only keep very few of them enabled.

      Can you share your 'Diablo II Resurrected\mods\D2RMM\D2RMM.mpq\data\global\excel\treasureClassEx.txt' in a paste bin link or whatever you prefer ?
  9. icalexci
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Version 1.2.0 with restructured sections by Armor and Weapon types is release. The mod config is backwards compatible.
    Please let me know if you experience any issues.

    For the next release I was thinking of adding extra information in the menu for items:  the max number of sockets and auto mods availability (for class specific skills on white items). Would this be useful to anyone ? If you have other idea let me know.
  10. Caedendi
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Hey dude,

    I think most people would prefer it if you could move throwing potions to the Misc section. Nobody cares that technically they belong to a treasure class, we just want to quickly enable/disable them.

    You could also change the sections to that of armor/weapon type instead of treasure class so items are a bit easier to find. That way you'd end up with less than 20 sections, even if you separate 1h and 2h weapons too. If you'd further separate between quality, you'd end up with about 60 again so that would partly defeat the point. Though seeing how that part is currently coded it would take some more effort to create.

    Something else I found:
    - Treasure Class 12 Weapons: Crystal Sword has incorrect unique Azurewrath in its setting name

    I'm currently going through my grail list and disabling anything that's either no grailer or I that have the set(s), unique(s) and eth unique(s) for. I'm only at treasure classes 30, maybe I'll find more tomorrow.
    1. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos

      Yeah the throwing potions could be moved, I will consider it for the next version.

      At the moment I kind of like the way the sections are even though one could argue there's too many of them.
      I also think there are too many but I will need to think a bit more about what will make everything better. One option that might be better is to group: - armors into: head / body / etc
      - weapons into: sword / scepter / mace / etc
      Similar to the way GoMule does its searching menu if you are familiar with that.
      It would still be a lot of sections but one could argue the sections would be more useful. If we had subsections we could further group by item quality, maybe we can have that in the future. Any thoughts ?
      The code that generates the mod.json is not linked to the way the processing of what needs to be removed. The actual removing part can remain as is, the only thing that needs to be the same in the mod.json file is the id for each config entry.

      I was actually aware that the crystal sword show Azurewrath, the reason for that is that before elite items were added Azurewrath was a crystal sword. They left some remains of this in the .txt files even though of course Azurewrath can only drop today as a phase blade. It will be fixed in the next version.

      Thats exactly what I did too but I will need to do a recheck in a few days.

      PS: check your reddit inbox, I wanted to talk about your 3.0.0 pre release :)
    2. Stormado
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, that mod is phantastic! Thank you very much for it. With this and 10x enemies i get only what i want and not a full display with items i cant see.

      But with all the treasure classes its way to much clicks i have to do. Maybe - if you still want the treasure classes - give us a toggle button for each treasure class to enable/disable all the items in it. Because its easier to disable the items you want than enable every other item you dont want. Or better like Caedendi said: do only weapons/armors instead of those treasure classes.

      But again: thank you!! :)
    3. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks, glad you like it! I also use it with the density mod though I try to not go above 3x as I like to keep the game closer to the original fee and less cheaty but that is of course up to anyone's preferences.

      If you want to have all enabled (aka removed) and only deselect what you want to keep you can edit the config.json that is generated after you install the mod and do a replace all in your favorite text editor to replace all instances of 'false' with instances of 'true' (do not include  apostrophes).
      The idea to have a toggle to enable all / disable all is very good but I'm not sure D2RMM supports it. Do you know any other mod that has this ?

      Doing only two sections for weapons and armors feels wrong to me as those two sections would be extremely big and hard to navigate through imho. As I said in a previous comments if I was to change it I would much rather consider doing like this:
      - armors into: head / body / etc
      - weapons into: sword / scepter / mace / etc
      How do you feel about this ?
    4. Caedendi
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Ah, I didn't realise that about Azurewrath, makes sense.

      I agree it would be nice if we could have subsections in D2RMM. Sections were actually introduced after I requested them and olegbl was quite fast in implementing them, so he's open to suggestions. Maybe if you open an issue with the request on the D2RMM Github issues page he will implement those too. It would for sure solve the "issue" of too many sections if you divide equipment by both type (1h swords, helmets, etc) and quality (normal/exceptional/elite). That was BTW what I implied with changing it into weapon/armor type and ending up with about 20 sections. Listing all weapons in a single section would be a mess.

      Thx for checking out the pre-release! I'll check out your msg, but I gotta tell you I stopped using Reddit after the whole third-party apps debacle (f*#@ /u/spez). You'll usually have better luck contacting me on the mod's GitHub page or here on Nexus Mods;)

      PS: about the enable-all thing, check out the pre-release's code. Both Light Pillars and Big Tooltips have a toggle to disable the entire feature regardless of the other settings in the section.
    5. icalexci
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Alright, I mistakenly believed you wanted 2 big sections and that didn't seem right at all :D  

      I opened a new issue with D2RMM for subsections, I will wait a few days to see if Oleg is interested and has the time to do it and meanwhile I will prepare at least the new structure without subsections.

      I figured it would be easier to have a chat but no worries, I will leave a comment on your mod page. Those 2 enable all options are enabled so there must be another thing wrong.
      Also I do not really like that the  toggle all in light pillars because it does not interact with all the options and disables them visually so I dont think I will implement this feature for my mod but I mentioned this to Oleg as well, maybe he is interested in adding a real toggle all.