I'm not sure what skin this is, but it was in World Spear and looked like a modern version of the retro. If you can find it and add it I'd really appreciate it.
This one has some model issues apparently. Not all revenants are changed to the skin, certain glory kills don't work on them, the destructible rocket launchers still display on the revenants even when destroyed, etc.
I see that you were able to do the UAC Revenant Skins in this mod pack though, which is sick. Is there any possibility that you could do a fully functional working Doom 2 Revenant Skin mod as well? Or does the Doom 2 Revenant Skin work differently which makes it a bit more difficult to get it working in the Campaign?
Loving the demon skins for campaign mods regardless! Didn't think we'd be able to finally use them in Campaign. Keep up the great work man!
Hey, this one doesn't work for some reason? I've tried several of your other skins (Arch-vile, Mancubus, Pain Elemental, etc.) and they seem to work fine, but the Revenant still has the default appearance in-game for me, no matter which of the skins I've tried.
inherit = "template/editor/worldeditor";
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I see that you were able to do the UAC Revenant Skins in this mod pack though, which is sick. Is there any possibility that you could do a fully functional working Doom 2 Revenant Skin mod as well? Or does the Doom 2 Revenant Skin work differently which makes it a bit more difficult to get it working in the Campaign?
Loving the demon skins for campaign mods regardless! Didn't think we'd be able to finally use them in Campaign. Keep up the great work man!