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  1. SaleemSaleemzir
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Very bad level I hate it so much, Saleem need to learn how to make good encounters and he need to learn how to take criticism well, 0/10 level
  2. troop1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    halfway in completed one of the trials quit bc had to go somewhere

    very good, the trial encounter is really nice (the one w/ a bersek powerup) the berserk powerup literally didn't just run out from the amount of demons, lmao
    amazing encounters overall
  3. chinosminos
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    needs some ammo makyrs tbh. no way to heal in a fight if ur health gets low. just immediatly die. and half of the time theres no ammo. s#*! map
    1. Nayrham
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      skill issue
    2. troop1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      that face when u have a chainsaw
  4. Ratentaisou
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Even another masterpiece of a Master Level! Just like The Holt and Taras Nabad Master Levels from the same author, the encounters are all very challenging while still being very much fair, and are just the perfect length to keep the adrenalines pumping without overstaying their welcome.

    In terms of difficulty comparison, I'd say this is two levels harder than official Taras Nabad Master Level, and it took me around 75-85 minutes to complete for the first time including the cutscenes and retries. Definitely the longest Master Level mod I've played yet.

    Some bug reports:

    • On the right Trial, the penultimate encounter (the place where the base game introduced Spirits in the form of a Posessed Hell Knight, or Baron of Hell originally) spawns a Tyrant from a giant portal. Said Tyrant then spawns a Spirit when killed, despite not being possessed himself, so I think this is a bug and the Tyrant is supposed to be possessed? Especially with that epic entrance which I really liked.
    • On the right trial again, my game crashed multiple times shortly after the first Archvile spawns. I managed to get around it by increasing my Texture Memory Allocation and lowering Shadow Quality on the settings.
    • On the right Trial again for the third time, the final wave of the final arena spawns a Possessed Doom Hunter at the final wave, but for some reason sometimes the Spirit just won't possess the Doom Hunter and disappears on its own.
    • The enormous Tyrant on the Trial of Maligog Boss (the first image of this mod page) would sometimes get out of bounds and dies of gravity when using its dodging animation, though I'm pretty sure this couldn't be helped with the limited modding capabilities of the game.
  5. R2ch0
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I like it. Some arenas get very challenging especially the last two.