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About this mod

Adds 5 Dwarf Companions. Compatible with all Origins, with additional dialogues for Dwarf GWs.

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Adds 5 Dwarf Companions.  Compatible with all Origins, but additional dialogues for Dwarf GWs. 

This mod adds five recruitable Dwarf Companions. The Dwarf Companions will be encountered at what I considered logical locations in Fereldan and Orzammar. 20 new talents have been added with the Dwarves that they may share with the Grey Warden or other Companions.

As an added feature, the player can select the gender of the Dwarf Companions. 'gender selectors' are in the Dwarf Origins, Ostagar, and at Flemeth's Hut. The default gender is 'female' and gender can not be changed after the area where that Companion is has been entered (i.e. you can't enter an area, take a look, and then change your mind about the gender).

--3/19/2016 Update--
Work on an upgraded version of MerAnne's Dwarf Companions is continuing, however, comments have been locked until the new version is uploaded.  Players with questions specific to MerAnne's Dwarf Companions (or if someone wants to help with the new version) may contact me through Nexus private messaging.

-- 11/17/2013 Update--
The new version of MerAnne's Dwarf Companions includes compatibility with the Skip the Fade mod. There are a number of other small enhancements such as updates to the quest journal.

--File Descriptions--
Mer_Dwarves.dazip has all of the files necessary to play the mod, all other files are enhancements to the dazip.
MDC Voiceovers.7zip contains the voiceovers for the Dwarf Companions. Some people hate amateur voiceovers and some people complain when there are no voiceovers. I have done voiceovers for all of the female dwarf companions; if you don't like my voiceovers consider it motivation to find female voice actors!

Compatible Party Pickers.7zip contains partypickers for all of the Companion mods that I am aware of. The party pickers have had minimal testing. satans_karma provided the redesign, but I implemented. Provide any positive feedback to satans_karma, but if it doesn't work, complain to me.
Extended Camp.dazip contains a little mod to redesign the Camp. The redesigned camp was provided by satans_karma so provide any positive feedback to her. This file is optional.
MDC Head Morphs.7zip contains the original head morphs and some enhanced versions with instructions. If you would like to create your own head morphs these files are a good starting place.

MDC voiceover lines.7zip is not for installation. Includes the lines for an aspiring voice actors if someone is interested in doing voiceovers, I will provide additional instructions. It is NOT necessary for playing the mod.

Install the "Mer_Dwarves Beta 1.0.dazip" file using daupdater (other mod management files are untested).
Install .zip or .7zip files in the \Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\" folder, remember to unzip.

Currently, my mod overrides only the party picker. I have used the toolset wiki resources to check placement of in Camp, etc but there still may be incompatibilities since everyone does not keep the toolset wiki updated.

Mods that override original Dragon Age Origins files MAY not be compatible and there is always the possibility of conflicts with line ids and NPC placement.

--Special Thanks--
satans_karma for answering my endless questions
multiple BSN members who answered questions
Those who posted on the DA toolset wiki

I consider MerAnne's Dwarf Companions to be in the 'Beta Testing' phase. It has had some testing, but testing is rarely finished. The new talents have had only basic testing.

Future updates ARE expected since I consider the conversations to be very basic. MerAnne's Dwarf Companions is 'finished' including Fade Nightmares.