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LockedStickyComments have been locked until a new version of MerAnne's Dwarf Companions is uploaded. Players with questions specific to MerAnne's Dwarf Companions may send me a private message.
Status/Update (3/19/2016):
Enhancing MerAnne's Dwarf Companions
I've been working on this for some time and am making progress, just not as rapid as I would prefer. As soon as I really start making progress there is some form of Real Life something that means that I have to stop working on it!
There will be many upgrades such as:
--- Codex entries for each Companion providing background information
--- more extensive conversations with each of the 5 Dwarf Companions
--- relationships with dwarf GWs more fully developed (BFF and romance)
--- new voiceovers (at least for the female Dwarf Companions)
--- new equipment (with items sets)
--- Camp Storage that is Dwarf Companion specific
--- Upgrading materials for equipment (automated)
And probably more enhancements that I haven't thought of
If you would like to help, I could definitely use assistance with:
--- head morphs - if you are interested in helping with head morphs, you must work on both male and female morphs.
--- icons - there are new talents added and I would like to have new icons for them.
--- voiceovers - MUST be willing to commit to doing over 300 lines (including the soundset). Male voice actors are especially needed.
--- tattoos, skins, hair, tints, etc - these are optional and I may do them myself someday, but if someone already has the skills, I would love to have them included in the mod. If not (shrugs) it may happen in a future upgrade.
--- cutscenes - I have no skills and the person who is helping me might not have free time soon (she has been EXCESSIVELY patient).
--- someone who can do 3D modeling (Dwarf proportions - female AND male, armor, and weapons)
*** testers for the upgraded mod - must play Dwarf GWs.
If you are interested in helping, please send me a pm to discuss.
An answer to one FAQ:Why can't my "Not Dwarf" GW have a BFF or Romance relationship with one of the Dwarf Companions?
Because that was never what the mod was about. The concept was to create Companions who would have a relationship with the GW - most of the focus is on BFF status rather than romance. All of the Dwarf Companions start out with a great deal either in common with a Dwarf GW or that they are able to talk to a Dwarf GW about. There will be (from various Companions) conversations about fear of 'up', fear of losing Stone Sense, discussions of plans after the Blight is over, the freedom of living on the surface, how to achieve power (if that is what the dwarf GW wants) in Orzammar, etc
Jasmine is ALWAYS brought up as being the one who could have a romance with a "Not Dwarf" GW. I'm sorry to inform you of this, but she considers Humans to have very little muscle for their size (scrawny) and even though Elves are nice enough people they are just so............... FRAGILE looking. She will make comments to this effect if a Dwarf GW is romancing one of the vanilla Companions although she will be willing to concede that if the GW really cares about his/her LI, that is all that matters. But for herself, sorry, she wants someone with some substance, some real muscle.
For those of you who are now sobbing inconsolably because your 'not dwarf' GW will possibly commit suicide by Archdemon because of unrequited like/lust for a Dwarf Companion, I am willing to do as little work towards creating a Dwarf Companion for you as you are. If you are willing to work for what you want, feel free to send me a pm to discuss. -
hi can i ask some question , first sorry for my english , and i realy new for da toolset
1I working for Party Recruitng v1_0-740 competitive mer_char_stage.are file is finish and work fine ,should i work with merd_char_stage.are file too
2 I real want to add some special power to those 5 dwarf , so I editmerd_fdwarf1.utcfile but I can`t find talentlistshoild I editmerd_dwarf1.utc ilefile
too, and which file should I edit so i can change party pikker charcter apperance
ps merd_fdwarf1.utcmerd_dwarf1.utc are export from Mer_Dwarves Beta 2.3\Contents\addins\Mer_Dwarves\module\data\Mer_Dwarves_module.erf-
i am no mean to harm or copy, if change your work cause your problem i am sorry
i play dao just fot weeks ,my first mod is Party Recruitng and MerAnne's Dwarf Companions
the only reason i use datoolset is my party picker can not show every
so i ask
i won`t post any kind of my version to the net
thanks anyway
In response to post #19601344.
I'm a bit late with this response, but....
I'm finally back to working on the mod and someday - SOMEDAY - I will finally get those romance dialogues written
haha really??! that would be great!! -
this mod is great, it cost me a great deal of time tho to find it, it should be moved to the category "Companions" asap.
edit: oh, and the fact that you took the time and energy to do female voice overs is imo freaking epic. downloaded it anyway, doesnt matter if i dont like it, i will hear it everytime! -
I might be an idiot... but I was trying to install the Jase files as a head preset so I could play him. Did I do something wrong? I can get the heads to appear with the skin and hair/earrings, but the face is from another preset. If this is possible, and I'm doing something wrong, I'd love some help to pay an actually good-looking dwarf!
i guess it will be nice to add it and let em be girls now that i added the beardy female dwarves mod. DX
I can't wait for romance to be added! My poor dwarf wardens always die alone because they just want to love someone of their own race. Thanks so much for this!
I'm still disheartened that 3 games in and still no official dwarf romances. -
First of all, thank you for this MOD. There will never be enough dwarf companions arround. I enjoyed it very much. So far, (near the final battle), every thing seems to be working just fine, the only thing I noticed is that sometimes, you have to save/reload, or change zones, to get new dialogue options, but right now I am presumming it's intentional to visualize the passing of time. So please don't take that as a complaint or critic, it's just the only thing I noticed, that might not work as intended. The rest? All sparkling and shiny so far
Though I have one tiny question out of curiosity, and yes I am aware that Karmalade, the companion goddess posing as a mere mortal made the camp, but since it happens to be in your mods, I hope you will be able to awnser it as well. Is Sten supposed to stand so far from his originally position and near the food, or am I having some kind of mix up with another mod? -
The companion part picker adds 'all known companions'. I'm having problem with another mod that may or may not be related, Saarebas Quinari Mage. After I recruited the 2 dwarves in Redcliffe I'm having crashes during camp scenes (specifically, the one where Alistair confronts you after Redcliffe) and the party picker is all screwed up (and not showing any mod companions at all from any source.)
http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1716/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fdragonage%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D1716%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D240325&pUp=1 -
Do you have to save Redcliffe in order to recruit the female dwarves that are there?
Yikes! I guess my hardened warden will have to soften up a bit darn it! That was my first time telling Teagan "no way dude" good thing I noticed that Silfranar and Jasmine were nowhere in sight after facing down some of the Redcliffe seven (townsfolk zombies...) in the castle.
I usually take Jasmine into the castle with the Wardens party so...
I recruited Jasmine and the other one in redcliffe but they are not in the party selection screen