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About this mod

Accessories that go in the beard slot of face morphs. For toolset use.

Permissions and credits
This is a similar mod to Shanamah's wonderful Earring Beards mod - some more accessories to be put in the beard slot of a morph.
These use Isabela's facial piercing mesh. There's an option with earrings and the lip labret piercing, and an option that's just the earrings.
Available for DF, DM, EF, EM, HF, HM.

These assume your character's ears and lower jaw are in default positions. I have done versions with vanilla elf ears, and with elf update ears, but that's as far as I can go to customise the placement.
The labret is weighted to the jawbone so it should move as the character talks. However, the Origins skeleton lacks the equivalent bone to the one the DA2 and Inquisition piercings are attached to, so they are not as close to the lower lip as I would like.

Not all of these are tested outside the toolset as there are so many of them, let me know if they are doing anything strange. Meshes aren't baked into your save so nothing will go permanently wrong if they don't work, just remove them from the morph.

Textures are 512x512, but there's a 1k version available in Alt Textures.

How to Use
Unzip and place folder into your My Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override folder.

If you are making a morph in the toolset, Ashhawk's Toolset Headmorphs Unlocked is necessary to use the beard slot. This mod has compatibility with the 3.0+ unique accessory texture feature.

You can also edit these onto a prexisting morph by adding them in slot 3 of a face mor. (guide here) Rename the alternate textures yourself and drag and drop to replace if you want a different colour.

Note that these won't work as .mop files- for male they will show up but change the face values to default if you change any of the sliders, and for females they just refuse to show up.

Ashhawk- upscales