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Veridical Q

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About this mod

Lets Hawke and Isabela use Tallis\' new ranged dagger ability.

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This mod lets normal dual-wielding daggers use Tallis' animations, allowing all dual-dagger rogues to fight at range (so... basically Isabela and rogue!Hawke, though anyone with two daggers in hand can do it, if you've modded the dual tree onto other characters).

There's also an optional file that leaves normal dual-wielding alone, but changes multiple in-game daggers from normal dual-wielding weapons into "throwing" daggers, so Hawke and Izzy can switch between normal melee and Tallis' ranged simply by equipping different daggers to their right hands.

Fair warning, you lose the closing animation and can no longer grasshopper jump instantly to your target while using the ranged dagger style. Also, the sheathing animation clips oddly with certain daggers and rogue armors.

Oh, and you MUST have Mark of the Assassin installed for this to work.