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  1. MrCalibrations
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Honestly, The Varterral appearing out of nowhere is exacly the kind of bullshit Varric would say to Cass xD, anyway, great mod!
    1. Lord55Zero
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      If he cannot die, then why it's s#*!?
  2. Lord55Zero
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Perfect mod.
    This trash is the lamest boss in both DAO and DA II
  3. SilverAxe001
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I'd like to not fight Meredith after siding with the templars.
    1. sapphim
      • supporter
      • 196 kudos
    2. AppleJackal
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      nothing but respect for this mod creator
  4. vargadotrjulian
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Maker bless you, and may Andraste kiss you!
  5. nightscrawl
    • premium
    • 61 kudos
    Used the normal main version. It worked perfectly. While Orsino still goes through his whole "Why don't they just drown us as infants" despairing dialogue, you do get a response -- I chose red "Meredith will die long before you do" -- so it doesn't seem too out of place. Some templars appear that you fight, but he doesn't turn. Fantastic.
  6. dragonandspice
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Ahhh you are a blessing, thank you for creating this! If you side with the mages, Orsino going crazy makes no sense at all.... we were winning, dammit! It makes much more sense this way, so really, thanks!!
  7. Michifer
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Is it possible that this mod somehow interferes with Anders' rivalry? I have him maxed, have the 1.04 patch, did all I have to and he still gives me friendship side dialogue in the box scene. Then refuses to join. I'm trying to test out the templar side...
    1. sapphim
      • supporter
      • 196 kudos
      This doesn't touch any file that could affect that
  8. Fylimar
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    As an Orsino fan I love this mod. Him being a boss fight when Hawke sides with the mages, was really forced.
    Thank you so much for that :-)
  9. falcophoenix
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    This mod could be useful, however I feel the conversation could be cut even earlier; Orsino still talks like he's still going to do the thing, "I'm not giving up-- I'm giving IN." Would it be possible to cut that statement in half? Orsino should definitely not be giving up. But if you can't cut that line, perhaps omit that as well? And talking to Orsino afterward will repeat the pre-templar conversation, would it be possible to disable interaction afterward?
    1. sapphim
      • supporter
      • 196 kudos
      I can't cut audio halfway through a line unless you want to figure out and then teach me how to extract from and recompile wwise banks. Admittedly Orsino's "I'm not giving up, I'm giving in" response is tonally a lot more dissonant than the other two dialogue options but given the limitations I'd rather have it present than have no response at all.

      Whenever I push another update to this mod I will definitely prevent that cutscene from looping, though. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  10. Yuanmonos
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    >Orsino was never intended as a boss if siding with the mages, but was included as BioWare felt that the game needed another boss.

    Thank you very much for fixing BioWares idioticy.
    1. sapphim
      • supporter
      • 196 kudos
      And that's exactly why this mod exists (aside from the whole thing just being gross). You're welcome.