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  1. sapphim
    • supporter
    • 198 kudos
    (Varric's nicknames are Handy and Lucky)

    Some mods visible in screenshots:
    Blackwall Face and Beard by vyrelis and xStephyG
    Bunwall by ELE08
    Dress Up - Dress Down by DaedricSaber1701
    French Braid by Aileani
    La Robe de la Reine by LadyGoDieVa
    Royal Retextures by DaedricSaber1701
    Skyhold Outfit and Formal Attire Replacements by sirsagrell
    Vivienne Makeup by zalunaya (mod taken down by the author)
    Winter Palace Outfit Retexture by Skaramoosh (green recolor of Formal Attire 1 under Miscellaneous Files)
  2. sapphim
    • supporter
    • 198 kudos
    Alright fellas, I've repacked the PATWP main and extended intros files as two separate .zip files, hopefully that will resolve the issues people have been experiencing with the download and installation! I'll be honest, I haven't touched DAI in years so I don't know what changed since I posted the mod.
  3. pinkpoison
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I installed the 1.2 for frosty and the comments are working, but none of the companions except for the ones i originally brought are showing up! Does anyone have a solution?
    1. EnielasSong
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      Same here. I had not all companions present actively. Also Cullen was still sexually harassed.

      Can anyone tell me why?
    2. SuperValle
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This is my experience as well, was hoping someone had any ideas on how to fix it. 
    3. SuperValle
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Update to my previous comment: Okay I found a solution from an earlier comment that recommended to *download, unzip and then rezip the files before importing the rezipped file into Frosty*. When I did this two mods showed up in Frosty - PATWP and PATWP extended intros when before I only had the latter. (Poor Cullen was still harassed but the companions were all there.)
    4. sapphim
      • supporter
      • 198 kudos
      Well the Cullen thing is an optional file, so you would need to download that.
    5. EnielasSong
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      Again, it was not just about Cullen's NON harrasment fix.

      The problem was also, that no more than 4 party members even appeard in Winter Palace. Is there a certain laod order to make it work? Where in the Load order should it be?
    6. EnielasSong
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      *bump* Can anyone answer this?
  4. WynterSolstice
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Everything works just fine except the Red Jenny stuff, they show up on my map, but when I go to the location there is nothing there.  Sera is in my party.
  5. trashmouthh
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    bricks game when you enter servant's quarters :'(
    1. nanpraw
      • member
      • 23 kudos
  6. JohhnyY
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    This is just something that should've been in the game initially!

    Amazingly astonishing!
    1. ronyalan
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      fully agree 
  7. ronyalan
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    a must have mod 


  8. HolyMolyOllyPolly
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
  9. themikatoon
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    Getting infinite loading screen with this, is it compatible with mods that edit follower appearance?
    1. Givemealeek
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Also getting infinite load screen, 100% sure it's this mod
  10. Caeliat
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you so much for this! I have an example of the Extended Intros in play here (Cassandra in party, Sera absent), it works perfectly. Hearing that entire list of names and titles really displays what a power move it is to invite the Inquisition in, and makes the whole quest feel more in line with what is expected of the Inquisitor.
  11. AlitheaAncunin
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    This mod really is how it should have been from the start. Just finished WEWH and it felt just rightl to have them all there.
    Also no groping Cullen is so much needed. He really went trough enough already.

    Thank you!

    I'm use daimod exclusively and the mod worked perfectly for me.
  12. Hazardist
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do I need to download and install version 1.1 and then install the 1.2 files on top of it?
    1. sapphim
      • supporter
      • 198 kudos
      No. 1.2 is the current version but it's only available for frosty. Download 1.1 if you want to install daimod instead.