Hi I love this hair, I was hoping to put it on my current character but when I tried to change to it through the Black Emporium the hair does not show up. it does show up if I start a new game. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Thank you
Hello there! Maybe I can help, you have to leave the BE entirely for hair mods to show up, so just switch to the hairstyle which this one replaces and then go elsewhere!
i'm sorry to bother you, but i noticed a pretty big bald spot on the ef hairstyle? i tried all the different heads 1-6, face shapes, scalp edits and hair retexture edits and it doesn't go away. i'm just checking if i'm doing something wrong or if it's clipping on purpose. D:
here's a screenshot (just the hair mod is installed, no custom retextures or anything. the second screenshot is of the last face shape option; it's the only one that makes the bald spot slightly bigger, and also the one i was planning on using).
that's okay!! take your time! i just wasn't sure if it was something with my computer or if it was the mod itself, because you uploaded screenshots of your ef inquisitor with that hair (not from that angle, though).
Sorry! I had fixed it and I did something and it freaked out so I had to start over so I put it off. I'll probably get it done this weekend. Thanks for your patience!
omg no it's okay!!! damn i'm sorry that happened, that sucks :( it's no big deal if you can't do it tho! i was just gonna go ahead and edit my screenshots and stuff but then my game wouldn't even let me make a female elf rip so i made a female human for now. i'll post some screenshots once i edit them!!
Thank you very much, roberts! It's a great hairstyle and it suits perfectly my Inquisitor I hope you like the images I've sent you (need your approval)
Wow that looks better on you than it did on me! lol. I was actually thinking of doing some Talion hair. Now I'm thinking I may have to. Thanks for sharing!
Alright. Dwarf Female is up. Let me know if you have any issues with it or if there is anything that is driving you crazy about it. I could seriously tweak it for hours and never be completely satisfied.
Thank you
here's a screenshot (just the hair mod is installed, no custom retextures or anything. the second screenshot is of the last face shape option; it's the only one that makes the bald spot slightly bigger, and also the one i was planning on using).
thank you. <33 if it isn't fixable that's fine!
i was just gonna go ahead and edit my screenshots and stuff but then my game wouldn't even let me make a female elf rip so i made a female human for now. i'll post some screenshots once i edit them!!
I hope you like the images I've sent you (need your approval)
Btw...Happy new year for everyone!!!
Happy New Year!
thankyou for the hair roberts2432
It's the curse of the modder I think XD