About this mod
Game save of a male human rogue with all side quests completed, but main quests and companion quests undone. Great for a playthrough for just the story or romance! He also has all the main game and DLC schematics. Inspired by Lightis' "All Side Quest Done" saves.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
*I have now included both my profile.ini and ProfileOptions_profile files. I am hopeful that this addition will make these files usable to people who have been unable to use them before. It is very, very important that you save your own copies of these files elsewhere before putting mine into the save folder.*
Jason Trevelyan, rogue.
Requires DLC's and Black Emporium.
Game save is at the blacksmith in Skyhold.
All side quests complete, including all collectibles (except two tiles of Invasion - both located at Din'an Hanin).
*Exception: Scattered in Skyhold - the dialogue does not trigger correctly in my game, so I can't activate the quest.
*Second exception: I am officially retiring from completing the Golden Halla. I was spending waaaay too long running
around that corner of the Exalted Plains.
Main quests and companion quests not done, except those picked up in Haven (Seeing Red, Memories of the Grey, Measuring the Veil).
All romances for male character are available (including Harding).
Complete schematics (including DLCs).
Storage chest has rare weapons, armor, and a lot of unique accessories. Jason and all companions are wearing some DLC accessories.
All abilities reset - no specialization chosen.
Lots of money.
Tons of crafting materials.
Because I used a mod to make my characters' weapons, many of the weapons the characters were carrying are no longer there, others have reverted to the tier 1 schematic that the mod based it on. I used tirnoney's Rare Weapons mod, the link is below. There's plenty of schematics and materials to make new ones.
Allied with the templars.
Hero of Ferelden was male human mage, romanced Morrigan, performed the dark ritual, Alistair and Anora rule, Loghain made Grey Warden, Hero followed Morrigan through the eluvian in Witch Hunt.
Champion was male warrior, romanced Anders, Bethany died in the final battle, sided with templars, approved of Anders actions, Anders alive and well.
INSTALLATION: Download the zipped file manually. Unzip using 7z, Unrar or similar program. Put the save file and both the profile.ini and ProfileOptions_profile in Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age Inquisition/Save folder. Open up your game and choose load, and he should be in your character list.
*If you cannot open the save because it says it needs a newer patch, go to your hard drive, open Program Files (86)/Origin Games/Dragon Age Inquisition/Update/Patch and, using notepad, open up the "package.mft" file. Where it says "Version #", you can change the number to 14. Then save the file and close it. Run your ModManager and then make sure that the mod patch package.mft file version is 15. This should allow you to open the save.*
Mod recommended to maintain appearance:
-Dreads of the Wolf by Gearhog, human male
-SOS Eyes Up Here by KittenTails, babydoll
Other mods I like:
-Unlock and Change Specializations (et alia) by MxT-ZS1, unlock specs
-Improved Lashes by xStephyG, v3 longest fullest lashes
-Open All Halla Doors by timoney
-War Table No Waiting by Tahira
-Yes we know about Mythal by sirsagrell
-No More Fog of War by fontofnothing, DAIMOD version
-Unlock Masterwork Crafting in Haven by Atheriz
-Craftorama by badken
-New Game Plus by badken
-Upgraded Armor Schematics by tirnoney
-Ardent Blossom Misc Store by Atheriz
-Rare Weapons by tirnoney
-SK Hair Re-texture by The Care Taker
-Restored Mosaics by unniebee
-Trespasser Skyhold PJ Replacer by Atheriz
Other game saves by me:
These saves were made with no deluxe content installed:
-Completed Side Quests EF Mage No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests EF Rogue No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests EF Warrior No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests EM Mage No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests EM Rogue No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests EM Warrior No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests HF Mage No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests HF Rogue No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests HF Warrior No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests HM Mage No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests HM Warrior No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests QF Mage No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests QF Rogue No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests QF Warrior No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests QM Mage No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests QM Rogue No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests QM Warrior No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests DF Rogue No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests DF Warrior No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests DM Rogue No Deluxe Content
-Completed Side Quests DM Warrior No Deluxe Content
These saves were made while I had deluxe content installed and therefore require said content to use:
-Completed Side Quests EF Mage
-Completed Side Quests EF Rogue
-Completed Side Quests EM Mage
-Completed Side Quests HF Rogue
-Completed Side Quests HM Mage
-Completed Side Quests HM Mage (by request)
-Completed Side Quests HM Rogue
-Completed Side Quests HM Warrior
-Completed Side Quests QF Mage
-Completed Side Quests QM Mage
-Completed Side Quests DF Rogue
-Completed Side Quests DM Rogue
*Please feel free to comment and let me know if I can improve on this mod. I would also love to see screenshots of your playthrough, especially if you change the character's appearance! See the readme in the docs tab for more information about how I play these saves.*