Worked like a charm with Frosty. I DID wait till I got to skyhold and could naturally unlock the Promo Materials I already had tho, to avoid any kind of conflicts.
Hey! Yeah I've been away for a while but am getting back into this, or trying to anyway. No promises but on my way to finishing some other stuff I'll look around... I assume the files are all in there somewhere, like the mounts were, they might just be harder to unlock because they're not just a flag you turn on...idk
Maybe this is dumb, but since they're such simple items and I don't think they have unique icons, could you just make identical items and add them to a chest, maybe with a copyright friendly name? I was tempted to do the same but I can't make heads or tails of the frosty editor no matter how hard i try.
edit: actually i found them in the files after looking for some tutorial stuff and added them to a chest, would you like the video that showed me where they're at?
Hello. There doesn't seem to be a daimod for the Serault Glass in the folder? I can't tell what I'm missing. The dragon decor works but I can't seem to access the glass.
Hey gotta ask how does it work do i just add the files to DAI mods and the stuff like dragon decor appears in the list unlocked or am i missing something cause i still dont see em and i cant unlock em the normal way due to no one playing Multiplayer. please respond soon i need help
The multiplayer dragon not doing anything makes sense, I didn’t touch multiplayer stuff…it scares me…as for the deleting idk, it’s a gordion knot of booleans and ids down there. Eventually I’ll look into this again, sorry y’all
Weird behavior noted when installed on the GotY edition: - Horses work as intended, - Serault Glass works as intended, - Dragon drapery and decor work as intended, and - Legacy Ferelden Throne and Legacy Kirkwall Throne are locked and cannot be selected.
Note that without this mod, both legacy thrones can be selected.
EDIT: Upon getting both accessories for the Ferelden throne, the Legacy Ferelden throne suddenly unlocked itself. I assume this will be the case when I get the Enchanter throne and its accessories for the Legacy Kirkwall throne (as that is the only throne I'm currently missing and lacking in accessories). I'll keep my findings updated.
Delete all 4 others except Kirkwall Throne and i think u see it unlocks,in my case its like this!even ive this game for a long time it never unlocked or maybe sth prevents it im not sure.
That’s odd for sure…I was using the GOTY edition as well, but I did this after I’d unlocked everything else. Might have something to do with the separate mods for unlocking and associating with a different set—still not sure why I had to do that.
And I know it's been over a year, but you did say if there's any interest you might look at the promo items as well...
edit: actually i found them in the files after looking for some tutorial stuff and added them to a chest, would you like the video that showed me where they're at?
Edit: Dragon rewards still missing after slaying a multiplayer dragon.
- Horses work as intended,
- Serault Glass works as intended,
- Dragon drapery and decor work as intended, and
- Legacy Ferelden Throne and Legacy Kirkwall Throne are locked and cannot be selected.
Note that without this mod, both legacy thrones can be selected.
EDIT: Upon getting both accessories for the Ferelden throne, the Legacy Ferelden throne suddenly unlocked itself. I assume this will be the case when I get the Enchanter throne and its accessories for the Legacy Kirkwall throne (as that is the only throne I'm currently missing and lacking in accessories). I'll keep my findings updated.