About this mod
This tool can be arc file simple modified. mod author just to correspond to the modified file is packaged.
It will be in the tool catalog backup modified files to operate a date after each operation, easy file recovery.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
It will be in the tool catalog backup modified files to operate a date after each operation, easy file recovery.
How to use:
Making Mod
1, Fill title (mod name) and description, author, version.
2, Fill modified arc file path (e.g. \nativePC\rom\gamemain.arc).
3, Mod file with 7-Zip packed
e.g. game_main.arc unpacked file modification
The modified files compress packaged with 7z, including all folders: game_main\model\pl\f\f_base\f000
4, Mosue Right button to select a preview image.
5, Choose mod file save path.
6, Click Making button.
Install Mod
1, Choose mod file (*.DDDAMOD).
2, Choose the game path (game executable file).
3, Click Install button.
Restore the original file
Choose a install date file to the corresponding game path replace from the tool folder BackFile.
ARCtool Please download from here
*Tool and ARCtool.exe same directory.
Versions request
Tool v1.1 request ARCtool version 0.9.38
Tool v1.2 request ARCtool version 0.9.41
01/25/2016 v1.2 Support to ARCtool Version 0.9.41.
01/18/2016 v1.1 Fixes arc file version error.
01/18/2016 v1.0 First edition released.
Thank to
ARCtool by FluffyQuack