1. Follow the install instructions for the mod. 2. Then Left Click the game 3. Properties > General > Launch Options 4. PasteWINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
To get this properly installed: Download the file - open the ddda-dinput8 3.5.0-96-3-5-0.zip and place the dinput8.dll and dinput8.ini in your ddda root directory. (Same folder as DDDA.exe)
Open your dinput8.ini file and set the savePath = to your save file directory. In my case I have steam installed on D drive and my game installed on F drive so mine would be - D:\Games\Steam\userdata\(UserID)\367500\remote\ -"Do not forget the backslash after remote." That will send the saves to the proper folder in my case. Your install will be different. So you will have to find where your steam is installed.
To change the UI key from F12 (which in my case is the screenshot key) Open the dinput8.ini file and locate KeyUI = 0x7B and change that to 0x7A - that will set the UI key to F11.
Thank you to Jaryn123 for sharing this. It works great.
Warning - THIS RUINED MY GAME. It worked for a while, but then, without me making any change, the weather changed to post-game weather and can't be turned back; the clock moved to another position, and can't be moved back; the augments are all off, even those I 'bought' in a regular way and can't be turned on again,... and I'm just waiting to see what else is screwed now. And as for backup - it's not there. No backups at all. I would have to start again... and after hours I invested into the game, I just don't feel like it. So thanks for killing my game.
not sure what I do wrong but swapping weapon sets crashes my game. But maybe it is because Im trying to swap between two sets of the same weapon categories? Im trying to swap between a sword+shield with another sword+shield set.
Hey everyone, after getting it working and fiddling around I found out that it disables any installed mods that I already have active such as HUNTERCRUX's 'Great Mods Compilation'. I was mainly looking for anything to help increase Stagger and Knockdown resist alongside the 'Max Greatsword' mod as well.
However after noticing this development I saw that there was no option it change carry weight to my knowledge, is there any way I can either keep my mod active or pinpoint the setting in the editing system for these?
Hey Guys.. i just used the Portcrystal (move anywhere on the map) part of the mod and somehow it froze my port crystal into a lantern functionality? This was after i placed it and move it.. i noticed that where i placed on the ground was still there, so i picked it up and now it bound it to my tools as a lantern. When i tried to place it back on the ground, i can only put it away (and now i noticed it has the clothing icon next to it).. it was the only one i had so i can't try it again. anybody have anything similar happen like this?
Is there any chance this rebind feature could be extended to the actual Menu UI? Ins/Page Up are probably the worst possible keybinds I've seen in my life, next to O for whatever reason, and backspace to save. I came here hoping to find a solution to this but to no avail, hoping we could maybe get this in the future
1. Follow the install instructions for the mod.
2. Then Left Click the game
3. Properties > General > Launch Options
4. Paste
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
done it works on steam deck and desktop
Download the file - open the ddda-dinput8 3.5.0-96-3-5-0.zip and place the dinput8.dll and dinput8.ini in your ddda root directory. (Same folder as DDDA.exe)
Open your dinput8.ini file and set the savePath = to your save file directory.
In my case I have steam installed on D drive and my game installed on F drive so mine would be - D:\Games\Steam\userdata\(UserID)\367500\remote\ -"Do not forget the backslash after remote."
That will send the saves to the proper folder in my case. Your install will be different. So you will have to find where your steam is installed.
To change the UI key from F12 (which in my case is the screenshot key)
Open the dinput8.ini file and locate KeyUI = 0x7B and change that to 0x7A - that will set the UI key to F11.
Thank you to Jaryn123 for sharing this. It works great.
not sure what I do wrong but swapping weapon sets crashes my game. But maybe it is because Im trying to swap between two sets of the same weapon categories? Im trying to swap between a sword+shield with another sword+shield set.
However after noticing this development I saw that there was no option it change carry weight to my knowledge, is there any way I can either keep my mod active or pinpoint the setting in the editing system for these?
When i tried to place it back on the ground, i can only put it away (and now i noticed it has the clothing icon next to it).. it was the only one i had so i can't try it again. anybody have anything similar happen like this?