Would you be so kind as to repackage your mods without the mod name subfolder (the first directory in the package should be reframework, not NaturalHeal, here) so that they're compatible with Fluffy's mod manager? Thanks!
Thank you for the mod. I've been using it for quite awhile and it was working before but I just noticed lately, everytime my HP goes down, and look at my hp status from the menu, my original hp is also reduced. Example, my original hp = 650, when my hp goes down say... 600, my original hp also goes down to 600 so no healing will be done but my original hp is the one going down everytime I use a skill which consumes hp. The "enable" and "use original maz hp" are both checked. Looking at the debug section. I tested it using my skill that consumes hp, all the info on the HP portion of the debug goes down at the same time, including the original hp, which I think should not to process the healing.
- You won't get heal after some in game hours if you are in Unmoored World, because in game clock is paused
everytime i launch the game i have to it keeps back to default
Edit: fixed, please update it
I was wondering if it's possible to stop the healing at, for example, 60%.
I know this mod is configurable, but i know nothing about coding ahah
local full = hit:call("get_OriginalMaxHp()"), and replace with this:
local full = hit:call("get_OriginalMaxHp()") * 0.6
You can replace the 0.6 with any other value
Edit: 1.3 support it
EDIT: oops. apparently i didn't read the description... installation into reframework/autorun not fluffy mods file