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► All this does is keep the compass visible when Survivor Sense is active.
► Installation Instructions
|• Download the mod from the Downloads tab above.
|• Extract data2.pak from the .zip file you downloaded.
► If you have no other mods installed already...
|• Move the extracted data2.pak to \Dying Light 2\ph\source.
|• You have successfully installed this mod. Enjoy yourself, Pilgrim!
► If you already have other mods installed...
|• Change the "2" in data2.pak to the next untaken consecutive number, but not beyond data7.pak. (See §♠ for details)
|• Move the renamed .pak file to \Dying Ligh 2\ph\source.
|• You have successfully installed this mod. Enjoy yourself, Pilgrim!
► Example
|• You have one other mod installed already which is named data2.pak.
|• Therefore, you would rename this mod to data3.pak.
|• Move data3.pak to \Dying Light 2\ph\source.
|• You have successfully installed this mod. Enjoy yourself, Pilgrim!
► §♠ - data#.pak Limitation
|• From my testing, nothing beyond data7.pak will be loaded by the game.
|• Vanilla assets populate data0.pak and data1.pak, leaving us to use 2 through 7 as we see fit.
|• Meaning we have a maximum of 6 custom data#.pak files to mod with.
|• I've seen at least one claim of loading up to data9.pak, but I've been unable to reproduce such results.
|• I'll detail how to circumvent this restriction via merging mods at some point... Eventually... lol
► Other Notes
This is a simple modification, achieved by editing "gui/hud_config.scr" and removing Element("radar"); from the HudSurvivorSense group.
/// Survivor sense group
Is changed to:
/// Survivor sense group
That's all!
► Why I Uploaded This
Since my original goal was just to restore compass visibility during Survivor Sense and nothing more, I've just made an independent version which does exactly that, and decided to upload it here for anyone else with the same goal.
I tried to achieve this by using the Radar (Compass) Always On mod by DomShadow123, and although he added this tweak to his mod, it doesn't function when installed as-is. Apparently this has something to do with his edits to the .gui files found in the "hud_pc" folder, or at least that's what I have come to understand based on what he and another user have implied in the comments tab of his mod.
Furthermore, the current workaround they've found involves directly editing the vanilla game files in data0.pak. I don't particularly like that solution as I believe it's best practice to preserve vanilla assets as-is when and where possible, especially since many people don't heed the warnings given to backup vanilla files when removing or modifying them, YOLO it, and then get mad at mod authors instead of themselves when they brick their saves or have to restore/reinstall.