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  1. THREE7D
    • supporter
    • 27 kudos
  2. killtron5000
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, nice mod, but there are some problems. With the Advanced files, none of the bone structures have the right face, and you end up with white hands after finishing character creation. I had to mix in the face files from the simple version to get the face to work, but while bone structure 1 works fine, 2 gives a completely white face.

    Also the description should say that the files need to go into the parts folder, not just the mod folder.

    Looking forward to seeing those issues fixed.
  3. 13Tina13
    • premium
    • 119 kudos
    Great mod, thank you! I am wondering when/if we are getting an update on this still.
  4. jawesome26
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Advanced: The hands are white.
    simple: There is no pelvis and the basic inner skirt is short.
    Did I configure something wrong?T.T
  5. JohnnoirAtlas619
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Hard to understand the update, am I allow to wear Melina's outfit without the need of altering my character in the mirror? Is it just a simple armor replacment now?
    1. THREE7D
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      That is what I’m working on now, actually.
      There will only be one main mod from now on. 
      Both female and male characters can equip the complete set, regardless of any mirror settings. 
      It’ll look like something like this:

      Head Slot - Hood Up
      Replaces: Commoner’s Headband
      Head Slot - Hood Down
      Replaces: Commoner’s Headband (Altered)

      Chest Slot - Melina’s Robe 
      Replaces: Traveler’s Clothes

      Arms Slot - Melina’s Head, Hair and Hands
      Replaces: Traveler’s Manchettes

      Legs Slot - Full Traveler’s Set
      Replaces: Traveler’s Boots

      Having the mod set up this way will make equipping the complete set much easier. 
      Once this is available, I’m going to take this mod one final step further.

      For the final release, only one item will be required to have full access to all of the mod’s features.  
      Rather than equipping armor parts, everything in the entire set plus all of Melina’s attack moveset, skills and movement/idle animations will be assigned to the Blade of Calling.

      This format will be the same for all of my upcoming Melina mods, each of them having their own weapon that everything is tied to. 
      Which means, if you’re holding on to the Blade of Calling as Classic Melina then swap weapons to the Godslayer Greatsword, you’ll instantly transform from Classic Melina to Gloam-Eyed Queen Melina and all of the armor/abilities/animations for that mod will follow along with the weapon.
    2. JohnnoirAtlas619
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Cool, I’ll keep track on this mod then. I wouldn’t mind just using the armor replacement since I prefer my male character.
  6. Merfozz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Fucking love you for this one, thank you so much!

  7. dedmarcus999
    • member
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    Hey are you okay ? I've been going through your mods and reading your comments and so on and I've noticed it seems you've been burning yourself out a lot especially when it seems like you've been working hard a lot not just here but in your own life as well, as for when it comes to here you take a lot of time even going to such lengths to explain to someone in detail if they've been having any errors or such. In some ways you reminded me a bit of myself and I couldn't help but notice and I felt like I had to say something, but anyways I just wanted to say that I hope you're okay.

    Now then I wanted to also ask  if you could make a dark version of the death knight armor as i think it would be really cool, but with the skull and the hair remaining the same and you could remove the golden helm from the skull and hair piece or have two alternate heads with the golden helm darkened and then just the separate skull and hair piece standalone as I mentioned before (sorry for mentioning it so many times lol) but anyways I just think it would be really awesome if you did that, it's just a thought that I had. (I asked about this somewhere else as well too but I figured a version done by you would be way cooler, I hope you have an idea of what I mean)   (P.S. also how did you get that knife on the back of Melina's robe ? The blade of calling, I've been trying to get it but it doesn't seem to be working)
  8. PAXCOlord23
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Ooo thanks for the update, but I'm a little confused with both the advanced and simple files for the mod. I downloaded the advanced one first, which seems to just ask me to drag in the files into the parts folder, but after doing so, Melina's face is no longer there and it's just my old character's face again. As for the simple mod, which I have yet to try, I am confused as to how to install it. Do I simply just drag each file from each folder into my parts folder?
    EDIT: There's some sort of clipping that seems to occur. I managed to get the Simple version of the mod working, Melina appears properly, but it seems she's wearing a robe under her robe or something? I'm not sure why, but when you remove the chest piece armor and the leggings (Make her appear like she did without the robe when fighting Morgott) you can like her robes poking through her outfit. Just wanted to ask if this was a bug or needs something else installed.
    1. THREE7D
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      I totally forgot to update the description page! 
      Since there are now two different versions of Melina’s face, I’ve changed it from Bone Structure 6 to
      Bone Structure 1 (left eye closed + tattoo)
      Bone Structure 2 (left eye open - tattoo) 
      I will double check that everything is correctly assigned right now though, as I was planning on adding a couple other additional parts to the set, like an option to use the player character’s hands and also an option that adds gloves to the Traveler’s Manchettes. 

      Yep, so the Advanced version is just all 15 parts of the set separated into their own equipment slot, allowing for more customization as you can do things like wear an entirely different four-piece armor set on top of the full Traveler’s Set.
      Since this set in it’s entirety is comprised of nearly triple the amount of available armor slots, this version requires specific character settings to be applied within the mirror, which a lot of players either found to be confusing or too much of a hassle to go into the mirror and change their eyebrows/eyelashes/facial hair etc. to 1.

      And, the Simple version has all of the parts organized in folders and labeled for context as to what each part is and how to equip it, versus the Advanced version having the whole set in one big group. Also, unlike the Advanced version the Simple version has the entire Traveler’s Set all on one layer, which is assigned to the Standard Musculature Female Body Type. If you were to change your character to the Muscular Body Type, the Traveler’s Set would no longer be visible, giving you a way to unequip it without having to remove anything from your parts folder.

      I’ll follow up once I’ve finished checking everything out though, I might even make a video on equipping each version to give a bit more clarity to this as it is still one of the most complex armor mods that I’ve seen, after all.
    2. PAXCOlord23
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It's all good man, thanks for the speedy reply! Glad to see it up and running still! Keep up the good work!
  9. PAXCOlord23
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Am thoroughly enjoying the mod in Convergence ^^ 
    Not to rush or anything, just wondering on the progress update for teh mod?
    1. THREE7D
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      There’s a ton of new stuff coming on this, some of it is new robes, some of it is Melina related and some of it is much bigger than just the armor set. The delay on this has been far longer than I ever wanted, but I am finally able to get back to get back to this and am actually working on the first update now, which will be the fixed hands textures and the in-game mirror options. You can expect that to be available tomorrow, as for everything else, I’m aiming to have consistent updates weekly and am thinking about adding the full list of new features that I have planned on here so that you guys can sort of ‘vote’ for which ones you want to have first. That way I can prioritize everything based on what’s most important.
    2. PAXCOlord23
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      O alrighty, looks like you got a lot to prepare and ready. Hope it goes well and can't wait for the update!
    3. THREE7D
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Yeah, there's a ton of content coming!
      You can continue your Convergence playthrough seamlessly with the update, as I'll never make my sets require regulation.bin edits.
      Thank you for your patience!
    4. aldowjah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      how to use this on convergeance?
    5. THREE7D
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Since it’s all just armor, as long as it is in your parts folder you’ll be able to wear it with any mod. 
      (Unless, of course the other mod replaces the Traveler’s Set.)
    6. aldowjah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i mean how to combine convergeance with any mod
  10. MoaiCHEESE
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    when do you estimate the next update
    1. THREE7D
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      I’ve been away for too long, dealing with everything from family health to fighting for my job but I’m finally able to get back to the grind. There will be a relatively ‘smaller’ update coming tomorrow that includes the fixed textures on the hands as well as the upgraded in-game mirror, which has the different head/face options and other quality of life features like visual indications for slider settings and values to set for the most accurate Melina look. After that, there’ll be weekly updates for things like new robe designs/textures/colors and also some bigger features that go beyond just the armor set like movesets, maps and other unique gameplay mechanics like being able to transform between classic and frenzied Melina on the fly and even an entirely new mod for the Gloam-Eyed Queen.
    2. MoaiCHEESE
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      oh k ill be watching out thanks for info
    3. THREE7D
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      No problem, it feels good to finally be back! 
      I've been wanting to finish all of this for so long now. 
      I'm going to add the upcoming mod list to the sticky comment above shortly, so feel free to check it out and cast your vote on which of them should be next.
    4. Wesker5097
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      So glad to see your back and I’m excited to try out the new stuff also curious since your back is the Vergil mod still gonna be released?
    5. THREE7D
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Yep, Vergil is still on the way.
      I had it in a pretty good place when I made that video, but I got a ton of feedback from testing and figured that it’d be better to add some of the features and adjust some of the mechanics before releasing it so that it feels as solid as possible. 
      I could use another tester or maybe two, so message me if you want a link to the current build. 
      I’ve made it a Metis Mod Launcher package so you should install that first if you don’t already have it.
    6. Wesker5097
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      That sounds like fun testing so I sent you a message I won’t be able to try it until I get back from work but once I’m home I’ll try it all out and provide feedback and anything else you want me to do 
  11. jawesome26
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Melina's hands are so white  T.T
    1. THREE7D
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      I know 😂 I have been struggling a bit with everything going on lately, but I’ve finally gotten everything updated on my end as far as being able to launch the game with all of my mods. (everything except Seamless Coop, still, for some reason…) 
      So, I have this update ready I just haven’t been able to actually test it in-game until now. 
      But there will be a few new options coming for this that include the fixed textures on her hands, an option for using the player character’s hands and also an option that adds gloves to the manchettes which is starting to become my new preferred arms option for this set.
    2. Morielz
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      ayee ngl those gloves sound like amazing honestly, the only thing stopping me from using melina's cape is the hands xD
    3. THREE7D
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Yeah dude, the gloves are the missing link for sure. 
      I’ve also been exploring new sleeve options from all of the new sets and the Dryleaf sleeves actually work pretty well and the added physics on them makes the robe feel more cohesive. 
      The Braided Cord Robe is probably my favorite tho, so I’ve been thinking of maybe making Melina’s robe a bit tattered in a similar way, or maybe adding some of the cords around the top. 
      The other new part that I’ve tried adding is the sash from the Fire Knight Greaves, which helps fill out the emptiness in the front. 
      Those new additions mixed with a few others from the base game sets like the scarf from the Drake Knight Armor, the pauldron from the Ronin Armor and the smaller pauldron from the Banished Knight Armor really give the robe a whole new look and feel.
    4. Morielz
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      ohh that tattered/braided cords idea seems cool asf.