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Ab Aeterno

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About this mod

Adds "Emma's Uchigatana" which has a unique 2H moveset and ash of war, based on Emma from Sekiro. Has a fair bit of combo-ing.

Permissions and credits
Updated to work with the DLC - last working on regulation version 1.16. Available on Ab Aeterno's Moveset Modpack.

Adds "Emma's Uchigatana" (new weapon) which has a unique 2H moveset and ash of war. You can purchase it at the Twin Maiden Husks under the "Special Weaponry Shop" option. 1H moveset is the same as the regular katanas. Internal weapon ID is 9007000.

Special features:
  • L1 + R1 retreat attack:
    L1 + R1 performs a 'retreat' attack that moves you backwards. Can be easily chained into from the R1 combo.

  • L1 + R2 (uncharged):
    The first uncharged R2 attack has you walk towards the left while swinging. Using L1 + R2 has you walk and swing towards the right instead.

Ash of War: Gentle Blade
Used on its own, you perform a series of calculated swings that damage poise a fair bit.
Using the skill while guarding performs a parry instead.

Skill input can be used as a follow-up to many of the normal weapon's attacks to alter the combos:
  • R1 combo: following up an R1 attack with AoW performs a running attack. You can quickly go back and forth with these (e.g. R1 + R1 + AoW + R1 + AoW ...)
  • Uncharged R2: first R2 attack + AoW performs a longer swing that puts you behind an enemy. Follow up further with AoW or R2 to lunge forwards. Can finish the combo with a last R2 attack (e.g. use: R2 + AoW + AoW + R2)
  • Charged R2: using AoW while the weapon is sheathed (after the blue flash effect) performs a bash attack that moves you forward. Follow up with more AoW or R2 inputs to continue the charged attack
  • Running R1/R2 and backstep: all of these can be followed up with AoW to perform a thrust attack

Showcase video:

  • You will need ModEngine2, you can find releases & installation instructions here:
  • Download the mod. You can then either extract the 'emma_moveset' folder's contents into ModEngine2's mod folder, or add the 'emma_moveset' folder itself and link to it in ModEngine2's "config_eldenring.toml" file.

For modding:
  • TAEs: added a84.tae, a85.tae and a746.tae
  • HKX: a084, a085 and a746 files found in c0000_a6x.anibnd.dcx
  • HKS: adds a "HasEmmaBlade" function called throughout the script. I've added "emma moveset" comments that should land you through the changes.
  • Parts: adds a new weapon model 8012 (adds sheath sub-models to handle certain animations but is otherwise identical to the regular uchigatana)
  • Edited CSVs: AtkParam_Pc, BehaviorParam_PC, EquipParamWeapon, ShopLineupParam, SpEffectParam, SwordArtsParam, WepAbsorpPosParam

I have a ko-fi if you feel like supporting me:

Special thanks to Blubber for the retargeted Emma animations! (From here)