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If your only consideration when taking on a POI is core removal, boy do we have the ship for you!

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This is a core 9 SV, specially crafted for taking out the core of Zirax POIs from the outside in.  There are four heavy Vulcan cannons around the cockpit that can cut through the outer walls and inner construction of enemy emplacements in seconds, allowing you to collect more precious resources from the turrets via salvage.

Here are a few details:

4x Vulcan cannons
1x Light Laser turret - y'know, because drones.
As much CPU as possible without auxiliary cores. This means two quantum processors will be needed for construction.
As much thrust as possible without detonation the generators.
Shields, and one capacitor and one charger.  Good for tanking against several turrets.
32K Ammunition storage controller. It can hold 12000 rounds for the Vulcans. Tasty.


This ship has been built to make use of every last bit of available power and CPU on board, so when you turn the shields on, you must hover motionless until they have finished initializing or you will overload the generators.

Check out the video to see the Murder Hornet in action against a Zirax Vehicle Plant.