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  1. Skurkbro
    • premium
    • 497 kudos
    My Discord server is live, feel free to join and ask questions, look for help with modding or just talk.

    I'm also looking for someone to help me manage / mod it. I'm expecting You to be experienced with Discord, knowing how to setup different channels, bots & rules. 
    I can't offer any monetary return for the work at the given moment, but if things take off, I'll def compensate generously. Please send a DM to me on discord with your experience, Kev #7766
  2. xxss5songokuxx
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    Animated stuff is there. Guess it was only gone a couple days?
  3. Chinatown45
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    Juhuaaa just removed everything on Nexus, so it would be helpful to direct the links to their patron
    1. Skurkbro
      • premium
      • 497 kudos
      damn.. well, i'm not going to subscribe to it so if something major changes, this is going to be unsupported.
    2. naChooey
      • premium
      • 897 kudos
      It's available for free, it's just hosted on their Patreon right here
    3. Chinatown45
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Seems Juhaaaa comes back ... really weird
  4. johnpaul2012
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have tried the new update of animated potions and it seems like  npc animation is not working.
    1. Skurkbro
      • premium
      • 497 kudos
      Yeah i haven't update this version to the latest release yet, working on it.
  5. johnpaul2012
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for the the mod! Can you also do the animated poison one please? :)
    1. Skurkbro
      • premium
      • 497 kudos
      I'll def take a look at it and see what it needs to work with enderal poisons. I reckon it will be the same if they are from the same mod auther which is to manually add all the different poisons to a list
    2. johnpaul2012
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the update! Ill try it out later and report if I encounter any bugs.
  6. Skurkbro
    • premium
    • 497 kudos
    my custom added potions does not work, and i've figured out why. Currently working on a fix
    new update will be up soon