For people who come after me - just a note that this seems to no longer be needed in Enderal v. 2.1.0+ with some quick testing, but let me know if you learn otherwise. :)
Enderal v 2.1.0 completely overhauls a lot of core features, including engine tweaks, UI compatibility, scripts, etc.
All crucial UI tweaks were moved to DLL, including locked dialogs. Remaining interface files contain only nice-to-have tweaks, making all Skyrim UI overhauls compatible without patching.
Great Mod, just have one question - how did you get improved alternate conversation camera to work with enderal, i'm on the latest GOG release of enderal and for the life of me I've tried every version of IACC and none of them work.
great mod
Thanks! Installing this mod fixed a bug for me with invisible options in dialogue!
If you have time, please make an ultrawide 32:9 patch for this. As it is, the dialogue takes up 2/3 of my giant screen. It's actually pretty funny, but I would prefer it to be a normal size :)
I really appreciate this!!
Thank you for the patch! This is a game changer :D