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About this mod

Retex/Restat Of DLC CombatArmor

Permissions and credits
This mod contains custom textures so you will need Archive Invalidation
You will also need FOMM(Fallout3ModManager)

Protec Advanced Combat Armor System

Congratulations! We here at Protec Industries look forward to supplying the national guard armory our full line of combat armor. Our evaluation package of specialty armor has been shipped to your location. Please feel free to use the form in the evaluation section of the manual to contact us for future orders. This address and phone number can also be used to answer any questions or place orders. The number in the return section on page 162 can be used to request a return shipping label.


Unzip the .rar into a temp folder and then place them into your fallout3/data directory

Special thanx to

Igby for allowing me to use his Mask and Goggles from his red eye goggles Mod found here Theres also hires textures for goggles/mask and red blue white and green lenses for the goggles

Spyrodz for allowing me to use his EB Brazillian Camo combat armor texture

Sinblood For the Original Gas Mask Mesh and Texture

Plerr, Deepside and TheOutlander for lending a hand in fixing the texture problem

The makers of Gimp and Nifskope

And last but not least Bethesda for creating Fallout 3

If i left anyone out please contact me and i will add them to the credits

Legal Stuff
The contents of this mod cannot be repackaged or redistributed without my permission or the permission of those listed in the credits list