Early 2023 review: I don't like being too critical, but I rather be honest than write like other users - "well, at least it's something for Fallout 3 modding".
I completed this quest to the end only because it was featured in VegasStephen's Fallout 3 Rebirth+ Mod Collection and I wanted to experience all new content from this pack.
So, I should start with telling you right away that description for this mod is slightly (to say the least) misleading. What so challenging in running back to the same locations which, without additional tweaks and mods, didn't use "respawn every 3 days" feature (except Wheaton Armory and Cliffside Cavern)? Where are these "4 hours" of gameplay if you already can use fast travel to these places (when you don't start this mod at low level playtime)? Also, why it is even a "quest" and not just small additional unmarked activity like bobbleheads from vanilla? This could potentially give so much needed "challenge", if we didn't get straight quest marker to every safe. Or maybe some kind of notes by which you on your own can find these spots.
As for the reward system, it's literally broken even for 30 level character. New Perk which gives you insane boost for stat, critical and increased weight limit by +50, enormous amount of guns, all types of grenades and mines, power armor and fat man in perfect condition (Why really?). Also too much ammo like Mini Nukes, caps and Stimpaks. Also, why?
But all of this could be potentially not so bad if mod quest would provide at least some kind of note storytelling where by finding new safe, you can progress in investigating story of another character piece by piece, place by place. But no, it's too hard to do as I see.
And bunker home is significantly half-baked and consists of one bed and shelves with OP loot. Also, why? (Too many "why" from me today, I know)
Again, if it wasn't clear, what is a major problem - if you're going to play this mod from the start of the new playthrough, you will need to clear these vanilla locations (author didn't even try to implement new cells or something in the style of "A World Of Pain" mod) and eventually get too much overpowered guns, armors and loot to kill pretty much anything in the Wasteland. But if you'll want to complete this quest after you ended with main questline and explored almost every corner of Capital Wasteland, you won't have any challenge because cells which author chose to place safes in, don't have respawn option activated by default (2 exceptions that I mentioned earlier).
So, Is it really a "Trail of Crumbs"? Yes, crumbs of any new valuable content for the game, if I have to speak accurately.
Should you try this mod in 2023? No, even for mod "quest" from 2010, you can find way more deep quest mods from this year period which also feature story or multiple quests and don't use vanilla content as a "4 hours of gameplay" (It's pretty much lie at this point).
This mod will only break your character progression by providing OP loot early on or (if you do this quest late in the game) won't feature any new content aside from one little bunker and 10 safes with unbalanced amount of loot.
No endorsement this time and huge warning for other mod fans. -
Hey, could you say what the ref id for Bubba is? I can't find his dead body.
I've only used this mod through the TTW version but it's great and gives you a reason to visit some otherwise fairly unused locations.
Very good mod, higjly recommended. -
I found Bubba's body at the front of the Chryslus building, after looking around for some time. I saw in the mod description that he should be at a back patio, but I ended up finding him at the bottom of the stairs to the left of the car model in front of the building.
I hope this message helps someone in the future who may also be confused.-
Curious, were you using MO2 for your launcher? I tried installing this mod with MO2 and it says the mod was not set up properly. It looked like I bypassed the issue by moving the esp over to read, but then Bubba still never spawned in game (confirmed by disabling the mod and reloading the save; did not get a "this save depends on data which is no longer available" error).
Seems like this mod just doesn't work with MO2 for some reason /shrug
Thank you for this awesome quest mod.
Great little quest mod, I was introduced to this by Roy Batty for his TTW conversion of it.
Thank you very much Mr Hancho for making the mod, and allowing Roy to convert it.
I came back to give a download and endorsement for the original. -
I can't find bubba all around the chryslus building. Would you help me?
Excellent mod! It was interesting to check out some of the locations last visited long time ago, and the final reward (the perk) is quite nice.
wait... does this add the cryolater??? plz help me!!!
where is this location