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  1. bbboy9999
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    its nerf or nothin and bye nothing we mean DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATH
  2. communistman243
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Now The wastes will fear me!
  3. Ayleidsrus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi nice looking mod btw there is a maverick mod allready out so mybe you could use that with your next one (ask perission first)
  4. Slicer51b
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    Hmm. Gives me an idea for another pict.

    Edit: Just uploaded another pict. This one was on the spot inspiration. I was on my way to do a raider one at the duper mart and I came across these guys. I will do the raider one I originally had in mind tomorrow.

    Edit again: Delete the pict with the excess blank space. I didn't check the pict properly. I uploaded another, corrected this time.

  5. gamerowns
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Pretty Awesome It made me laugh, KGB will their new nerf pistols, watch out a bad shot could blind you lol XD. Though as you probably noticed I left It as a mildly lethal weapon, cause shooting a raider with a nerf dart is fun, but if it doesn't kill him what's the point Eh?
  6. gamerowns
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Ehh this one was not one of my favorite mods, one of my friends asked me to make it for them so i gave it a shot and this is how it turned out, though the only thing i regret is that I couldn't really have the nerf darts actually shoot (the only way to make them recover able was to make them be super affected by gravity, like the drop of a grenade type gravity) whilst having them recoverable, so I chose use over, Re-use.
    And about the text document it should have had the same info as the main-page but i'll probably fix it later.

    Though if you have any ideas for a mod If it's within my means i can give it a shot and thanks for the feedback so many people just download and not say anything It's hard to tell what people are thinking.
  7. Slicer51b
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    I just looked at your profile after seeing your new sniper. Nice work you have. I am downloading several of your mods.

    Why hasn't anybody endoresed this mod???

    Edit: Included in the download is a text document titled "readme!!!" and it is blank.

  8. edison12345
    • member
    • 5 kudos
  9. supertoby
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    not gonna lie this looks pretty epic
  10. JellyRollz1992
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Sounds amusing, I'll download after I'm done with school.

    There is a Nerf gun that resembles the Laser Rifle by the way.