This page was last updated on 14 June 2012, 8:57PM
Version 2.00
So I was wrong, this is probably the final gamesave. Made some pretty major changes to the gamesave.
Added a Hunter, a roasting Brahmin, cigeretts, prewar dollars, a camper, toilet, urinal, tub, another gate for the rear of the fort which makes it even more easier to enter as well as to secure the base.
Added captives in a fenced in area (tried to add in a guard, but like I said, the scripts stop working once the game reloads; will experiment on robots later as guards and locked the gates at a level 60 (hard) difficulty.
Added a few more misc. items including batteries in a box on a shelf.
Version 1.40
Major editing done with the NPC Guards and added more enemies for target practice.
Version 1.30
(Not released) As I have goofed up and forgot to replace the correct gamesaves with the updated versions and instead used outdated ones. Only minor things like placement of furniture and scriptpackages for the NPC's and robots in the camp.
Version 1.20
I have split off the two gamesaves in case you want one or the other. Other changes include- adding a bar + 3 stools, more weapons, ammo, armor and cash as well as more cool places to look out at as well as to climb.
Version 1.10
I have updated the Descriptions, the Readme and the gamesaves themselves.
Version 1.5
Final Gamesave update for now. Added another gamesave to be used as a Modder's Resource in case you want to mess around with a copy for your mod. Again all I ask is that you tell me what you're going to do and to generally give me credit for thi
I have taken out the NPC guards as all the scriptpackages would disappear when you exited fallout 3, started it back up and reloaded your gamesave. Replaced the guards with more bots, increased both their health and their effectiveness.
Version 1.00
The initial 2 gamesaves- 1.fos is my current gamesave that I have modded. A level 8 female character and moveto1cfb8.fos being the gamesave that starts at the beginning