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  1. Kfyatec
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Why beer does not give me any caps? After all, this is the most obvious type of drink, which is always with a cap unless it is in the aluminum can.
    1. Teabone3
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hi Kfyatec, the reason for this is because the cap would than be a nuka cola bottle cap. I would have to actually craft an entirely new item with texture in order to make a beer bottle cap. That's something I don't really think I can invest the time into at the moment. But thanks for pointing this out.
  2. sriniboss
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This mod in itself if great! But there are many conflicts with mods such as Fallout 3 Hardcore Mode: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/23874
    and sk Bottle Filler:https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/24438 I hope the Mod author will one day get around to patching this, 
    1. LordVulgrum
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      i may be behind all this i just now saw this and must have missed it back 4 years ago, im back to mod my fall out 3 and upon seeing you found this conflicts with the hardcore mod, try this mod Consumable Waste it doesn't conflict that im aware and it covers not only drinking bottles waste but cans and more! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/23896?tab=files
  3. MCarbiter18
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    I highly doubt you will see this after all these years. But I really enjoy this mod, however it conflicts with Simple Needs. It makes it so all food and drink items that give bottles or cans don't restore their respective needs.
  4. FreedomFighter4
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    Trying to understand the main purpose of this mod gameplay wise. Is it for immersion, a modder's resource, or actually have use? Are you able to refill them or is to be used alongside Bottle that Water or Fallout Food. Both of them already include a similar mechanics which i'm sure would conflict unless the scripts were edited and the mods merged.

    I get what it does but was curious what the thought was for use behind the creation.
  5. MaeseAtorrante
    • member
    • 37 kudos
    Is this compatible with Arwens Realism Tweaks?
    1. Teabone3
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      I have yet to test. I'm going to change it so that consuming the items doesn't check if you are the player before giving the empty items. That way it can be used with NPC's too. Hopefully that will have with more wider ranged compatibility.
  6. insaneplumber
    • premium
    • 261 kudos
    Thank you for updating and developing this modification.
    When I find some time in the coming week, I will do in 3ds max new mesches for empty bottles etc ... (specially for your modifications)
  7. Teabone3
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    Empty Wine Bottle and Empty Buffout Container has been added.
  8. sieboldii2
    • member
    • 54 kudos
    Why, in heavens name, does this require all of the DLCs?
    1. insaneplumber
      • premium
      • 261 kudos
      Open the ESP using the Fo3Edit.
      Clean it from ITM. ( Ideally remove the entire "Worldspace" section)
      Use Clean Masters. (Get rid of unnecessary ballast)

      The modification requires only:

      The rest of the entries in the header is unnecessary garbage.
    2. Teabone3
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Mod no longer requires Anchorage, Zeta nor The Pitt. In the latest update.
  9. insaneplumber
    • premium
    • 261 kudos
    Patch for FWE will be available?
  10. Moocows55778
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Pretty cool mod, ill use it my next play through.
    1. insaneplumber
      • premium
      • 261 kudos