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About this mod

Adds something a little special(FireLance or Alien Blaster) to the Minihouse inside the Gibson House in the Minefield.

Permissions and credits

Adds something special (FireLance or Alien Blaster) to the Minihouse inside the Gibson House in the Minefield.


just download the File and extract the .esp file in you fallout3\data folder. then start the fallout 3 launcher and activate the file under "data Files" or alternate use FOMM and enable it that way.



Inside the Gibson House in the Minefield. You will either need the Gibson key or 100 Lockpicking skill, Alternate you could use the console but thats kinda cheating.


Known Issues:

No known issues at this time.

As with all mods. Backup your saves before activating just incase theres some major plot busting bug there. I doubt it but you never know.

Please post comments and give Kudos or whatever and use this mod to do whatever you want with. If you use it in a mod/package then please give credit to Loxy38.


To Do`s:

Please if you have any requests can you comment + Also would you be so good as to rate the mod and give kudos or whatever please please.

Thanks and Greets goto all the excellent modders at fallout Nexus.