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Jessie Kirk

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  1. newsorpigal
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Thanks for making this! Do you know if it conflicts with Unimportant NPCs - Settlers? If you didn't place the trees where the new buildings are in that mod's screenshots, I'm guessing it doesn't conflict.
    1. TheJessieKirk
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Hiya. I'll need more information on the issue you're having with Fallout 3 before I can see about a fix.
    2. newsorpigal
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      I'm not having an issue, I just wondered if you knew if your mod places the mutfruit trees in the same place as the new building added by Unimportant NPCs - Settlers, which adds one new building each to some of the settlements to which you've added trees. The Unimportant NPCs - Settlers mod has a lot of screenshots showing where in the settlements the new buildings are, which might help determine if the trees would be in the same spot.
    3. TheJessieKirk
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Unfortunately it sounds like the mods are just not going to work together. Naturally, pretty much every mod that changes a settlement in a major way, such as adding new structures or adding trees, is going to be incompatible with any other mod that does the same sort of thing.
    4. I use unimportant npcs too i'll make a patch for this!
    5. TheJessieKirk
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Cool. If you want me to link to it in the description please let me know. :)