just have to say thank you so much for the instructions on installing it made it so much easier i did exactly as you said with vortex and it worked the first time man great job with the mod
Been getting alot of crashing with MMM and it soundly stopped when i removed this mod. Still want to use it obviously so What of the many segments of it is safe to use that has the least crashes?
You can find many recommendations within the comment section here, but I'll post mine again, so people don't have to wade through the thousands of comments below. First, use THIS version of MMM (see below,) and upgrade to 6.2. I always install MMM manually. Either way, don't use the FOMOD version (unless using FOMM.) Non-fomod will install with all mod installers. After installation, open up the FO3 data/mesh/creature/ghoul folder and remove the ghoulvariant.nif file. It's proven to be corrupt and will cause your game to crash in certain cells. Delete it. Should be right at the top of the list. It's absolutely not needed.
Do Not upgrade to the paradox version of MMM (reduced loaded plug-ins be damned.) The paradox version was cleaned incorrectly, before the merge was made, imo. They obviously left the "set Z position to (-30000.000000") enabled, which is designed to be used with FNV. The evidence can be seen in the plethora of (stuck in terrain) creature spawns, as well as other strange anomalies. Also, the authors altered some scripts, changing what Mart intended this mod to do.
Game Menu Settings -
1. Increased Spawns: Keep this set at 1-3
2. Other Spawn Options: Default settings are fine. Not sure if "Reduced Wasteland Spawns" even works.
3. Ghoul Options: Leave this at 1x50 default, because it's been reported that more can interfere with other creature spawns.
4. Miscellaneous Options: Turn off everything except size scaling. I've seen immersion breaking issues and glitches with all other settings.
5. New Monster Options 1: Turn them all off. Bad nif files, and ALL will cause game crashing for a variety of reasons.
6. New Monster Options 2: Leave all of them enabled, if you want. They work fine.
7. Special Creature Settings: Leave this set to default settings. I've never messed with them otherwise.
The mod has "dirty" edits, so you may want to clean it. I recommend using the latest version of FO3Edit. Clean all of the mod files, except for the main .esp file. It's duplicate edits are tied directly to the main .esm file. Cleaning that .esp file will break the mod. Not cleaning the mod at all, may not harm your game either, as all the dirty edits are just ITM records. When and if creating a merged patch, be sure and remove any edits that xxxEdit makes between the MMM files. The merged patch will actually try to "undo/combine" what Mart intended with meant overwrites. Having the MMM files in the correct order, is all that's needed. Remember, after removing said edits, be sure to clean the masters from the merged patch, before saving. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to learn how to use xxxEdit properly. While you're at it, learn how to run and read a conflict report as well. You can't sort/fix your load order without doing so. Load order is all about conflicts between your mods. MMM should run just fine with all of the above advice.
To the above poster... keep in mind, simply removing MMM may have eliminated a "critical" conflict you had with this and another mod(s) in your load order... which in turn, returned your game stability. However, that positive change, may have had absolutely nothing to do with this mod alone, and/or it's settings. A "conflict report" is the only way to know for sure. Without having a crystal ball... it could have been just about anything.
Note: If anyone disagrees with the above "personal" recommendations... that's fine. I won't be goaded into a debate. Verstehen? -
thanks 5 years later cephaler, even tho ur account is closed
No matter how much anyone admires this mod, it's not suitable for my game. I can't approve this mod, so I'll vote against it. I try to adhere to the canons of the game. Why mix games? Besides, some of the new monsters are just terrifying. I don't want to see this in my game.
Is it possible to just use soft unleveler and dunamic player scaling features without any creature/raider additions?
any way to get rid of the Behavior Ai thing? Having Enemies run away and stare at you from a few meters further away is kinda awkward
fun and well made mod but bullet sponge enemies is my least favorite video game design ever created and its a stain on gaming. Enemies like the Floaters exist in my save exclusively to waste my time and ammo which is pissing me off
I disagree, spongy enemies are great for some game genres, like ARPGs. Also, this is a free mod created through a huge amount of hard work and many hours sunk into it as a hobby and passion project. You're comment comes off as very entitled. I haven't personally had issues with any enemies so far in terms of sponginess or ammo and I'm playing on the hardest difficulty. If you are this upset, uninstall the mod, sincerely. It is highly unstable in anycase and that's the real issue.
The funny thing is that I remember floaters being bullet sponges in FO2. At least at lower levels. Same with wanamingos. So this part of the mod is at least lore-accurate.
How to delete it? I removed the mod, but the super mutants and death claws still looking like they've lost textures and meshes, changing skins like environment. I even started new game to test - spawned one to 101 - same result. I tried to check the same folders like in archives but i thing when i deleted mod from MO 2 it's clean, but i still have muties looking horrible.
FIXED: It was a mod named Fused Beings Of The Wasteland
It adds some new creature (probably uses super mutant texture) that's why i didnt understand because i did not downloaded any super mutants mod yet so that was the problem. -
Two questions
1) I leveled up very fast and I use a level 50 max mod. After passing level 30, 90% of the mutants I encounter are Overlords and there are Albino Radscorpions EVERYWHERE. This severely impairs the enemy variety and makes things boring. Do you guys have suggestions on how to fix this with specific settings in the ingame mod menu?
2) In Point Lookout glowing ones sometimes cause the lighting to bug out which causes spots of extreme brightness that completely overload the game. Does anyone know where they come from?
Thanks -
Early 2023 review for everyone who wants to improve mutant and monster roaster. I must tell you, like other users in this section, that this mod had strong potential but was abandoned in half-baked state. Bad animations, weird spawn points, messed up configurations for leveled-lists and very high chance of regular CtDs.
I remember using MMM back in 2012 and it was much fun but completely ruined playthrough by damaging major npc locations and in-game scripts. Also new variants of raiders can be incompatible with many new body type mods (at least it's not working correctly with Type 3 and Type 4 in my test-playthroughs).
Should you try this mod in 2023? Yes, if you already completed all quests, visited nearly every location and just want to have many hilarious fights and test guns on new species with some very bad consequences for your save file. Until someone tries to remake this mod in better state, more polished and improved, I wouldn't recommend to use it in this state.
EDIT 20.05.23: Well, after searching for actually more stable and good "creature mod" for Fallout 3, I can recommend to use "Imperfection" by DeathclawAlpha. It has some flaws (like some texture issues with new Bloodclaws), but it's way more stable and actually "lore-friendlier" than Marts Mutant Mod, at least in 2023. But sadly, it's not on Nexus right now, so you need to download it from other websites by "googling" - Fallout 3 Imperfection mod. One copy you can find on Russian mod website and another on French mod page. I made a "revert" translation of this mod for myself, but I can't upload it (you know, permissions and rules are "top priorities").-
Glad that it helps, I'm making deep reviews for pretty much all popular mods for Fallout 3 now, so, nothing special, but thanks :)
thank you
Not a big deal, just some subjective perspective and actual technical flaws about which I can warn potential players
But I appreciate feedback) -
Thanks for the detailed review! I'm finally getting back to Fallout 3 and overhauling my mod list. MMM was always in my active list back then, and pretty stable for me. I happened to download Imperfection before it disappeared, so at least I am fortunate there. I do wish someone would update MMM, just for the variety alone. It made me learn to RUN. I still plan on trying it out, just to see the differences.
@clockmonGlad to see more people re-visiting Fallout 3 mods😉Yeah, about problems with MMM, I also talked with dozens of other people who didn't have any problem with this compilation. But then dozens of people who had, so it's really 50/50 in this aspect🤣
anyway where you could dm me the patch? i could totally use it
Yeah, I still have translated.esps and esm, but you will need to download main files (i.e. textures and meshes) from other website. Just Google "Imperfection Fallout 3 mod".
Currently I'm AFK till Monday, so send me a PM on Nexus because I can totally forget about your question after weekends🤣 -
I went looking for the Imperfection mod but couldn't find it on any French or Russian site. Although one result did give me an archived Nexus page to at least a variant of it?
Imperfection - The Definitive Creature Mod - DELETED at Fallout 3 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) -
Imperfection (Eng) + Broken Steel patch (Eng)
Point Look out patch (Eng)
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18434?tab=files&file_id=1000000480&nmm=1 -
Nexus need more people like you, I send kisses your way. (Yes homo)
Thanks for the review. I remember using this mod back in the day too and it was definitely fun. But all these popular mods have been abandoned like you said and are full are problems. Trying to replay Fallout 3 in 2024, I just want a stable modded game, and it seems others feel the same - thanks for the heads-up.
I modded a run of TTW back in 2019 but the last time I modded FO3 without the New Vegas assets was back about 2012 as well.
After going through mods for the past two days setting up for a new FO3 only run, like you, what strikes me is the lack of a comprehensive, lore friendly-ish monster mod.
I modded FO3 so much back then, literally over a year of my gaming life, but when it came to the monsters I just used the vanilla meshes and textures cuz thats where my modding skills are lacking. I made all changes to stats, leveled lists, ai and such myself mostly based off what Mart and other modders had done.
Found updated textures this run but as for the rest I guess I'm gonna have to do the same.
Really like your reviews btw, been a great help selecting mods this run. Thanks for that.
The female raider variations included here don't work with Type 3 bodies,about half of the bodies were messed up because of this mod