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  1. streetyson
    • member
    • 146 kudos
    Giants? Yankees? Pah! The Talon are obviously descended from the Bills Mafia - that's why most of DC looks like it's been bombed.
  2. ColonelTannanbaum
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Simple, and effective.

    Will endorse as soon as the site will let me.
  3. Grim_Raper
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    San Francisco Giants texture added as separate file, as requested.

    SWWWEEEETTTT!!!!!!!!! Dude, you are da shiznit!!

    Sorry about roughing up Torre like that last night, but you WAS a home-stand for us plus the team rivalry and all that. I'm not sure why the Yankees let him go but then I'm not sure why we let Dusty go back in the day. *shrug*

    Grim if you like exploring (like me) try the More Map Markers mod. It adds many interesting locations to your map. Also there is the MQ Freeplay mod which lets you continue after finishing the master quest.

    I LOVE exploring! It's the funnest part of the game! Shoot, loot and scoot. That's how I roll.

    I can't BELIEVE it never occurred to me to find a mod like those! *facepalm* Of course now I'll have to restart my grid search pattern from the beginning but oh noez you mean I have to spend even MORE time playing out my favorite aspect of the game? Gosh what a burden. lol. I'm DEFINITELY picking up those 2 straight away!

    Thanks for doing this for me. HummmmBABY!<----Old School

    Checked out that pic and commented on it there. Very nice! Aside from what I already mentioned there one other thing occurs to me and that is catcher's equipment would make for some pretty good make-shift armor but I have yet to find so much as a batting helmet chest protector, shin guards or even a catcher's mask. Ah well, can't have everything I suppose.
  4. aiglos357
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    San Francisco Giants texture added as separate file, as requested.
    Grim if you like exploring (like me) try the More Map Markers mod. It adds many interesting locations to your map. Also there is the MQ Freeplay mod which lets you continue after finishing the master quest.
    Since you're a baseball fan, check out this pic
    Have fun and Go Yankees!
  5. Grim_Raper
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    Grim, you mean the Giants black with orange SF? I'll see what I can do.

    Yes, exactly! Black helmet with orange SF logo. Hey Eden SAID he wanted to bring back baseball, right? SO LET'S DO IT!!! In fact I've been stashing away (and repairing) all the baseballs, bats and gloves I can find. You know.. just in case. Now if I could just figure out a way to cart off all those pitching machines I keep finding...{;-D

    Thanks for the rating, I thought this died 3 months ago, lol.

    LOL, yeah well, I was kind of thinking the same thing when I posted my rating not sure if it was ever going to be read, and more specifically read by YOU in order to see my request. Looks like we both got lucky, eh? I'm playing the game for the first time (so no spoilers please! {;-) ) and one thing I found out beforehand was that apparently once the story line ends, the game ends so I broke out of the story line, took the Explorer perk and am exploring and looting, as well as helping and rescuing Wastelanders / slaves until I've hit every marker. Yeah I'm playing a goody two-shoes lol. THEN I'll finish out the game. At some point during this I started looking for fixes to various issues in the game and came across this place and started browsing whereupon I found mods that not only fixed the issues I was looking to address but also improved the game drastically and your mod is one of them. Now I'm hooked!

    Seriously though I'm honestly surprised this mod doesn't get more attention due to how well it works with the Black Ops Armor and Pipboy mod but on the other hand it seems your mod was released long enough ago that everyone who wants it pretty much already has it excepting the occasional new guy such as myself.

    At any rate, thanks for taking the time to accommodate my request, it is GREATLY appreciated!
  6. aiglos357
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Grim, you mean the Giants black with orange SF? I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the rating, I thought this died 3 months ago, lol.
  7. aiglos357
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    grunt3 : It's in the read-me and description that the textures are optional for testing.
  8. grunt3
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Not sure if it's noted, but if you want the hidden reilly's texture, only add the .esp and don't add any .dds files.