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  1. Spoomanndorf
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    NICE- I do have one important question tho.....can the slippers be worn separately from the robe ?
  2. xemnoraq
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    almost kinda looks like the children of the cathedral robes from fallout 1 hahaha minus the slippers
  3. Dovahblimp
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Combined with the traffic cone hat, and my spindly old man can truly be king of the wasteland.
  4. vizan
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    would like to try it... but i dont use cbbe... will it make my chars / settlers / everyone look like burn victims when they equip this ?
    bunny slippers r cute for any female settler, nicely done
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 480 kudos
      The CBBE UVW is superior to the Vanilla and also completely different so if you don't have CBBE installed anyone wearing the outfit will look really bad. It wont change anything else though.
    2. vizan
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      yeah i'am afraid of cbbe... not touching cbbe meshes or textures witha 10 foot pole :p
      gues ill pass for now.. but tracked just incase u decide to make a replacer / vanilla version
    3. jet4571
      • premium
      • 480 kudos
      Nothing to be afraid of really, it wont cause the game to crash or break your saves. But I can swap the body to a vanilla one.
    4. vizan
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      ty for the vanilla version... looks verry cool
  5. Bernt
    • premium
    • 394 kudos
    Garrett is gonna hate me for this (Evil grin ) Forgot to endorse. Done. Love it
  6. kevin939
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Lol, when I saw this it reminded me of Val Kilmer in "Real Genius"
    1. Perraine
      • premium
      • 155 kudos
      For me it was Charlie Sheen in "Hot Shots: Part Deux" but I like where your head is at
    2. jet4571
      • premium
      • 480 kudos
      For me it was outside for a smoke and thought Fallout 4 needs pink Bunny slippers, was just a random thought but 4 hours later uploading Pink Bunny slippers. No drugs involved either if you can believe that.

      No drugs, no inspiration, looking at a street I have seen a million times before and never was there a bunny much less a pink one seen on it by me. Though I did see an old lady in a floral print bathrobe and I assume a great granddaughter walking by.. but that was years ago.
  7. Perraine
    • premium
    • 155 kudos
    Right! Seems a toon called Tukachinchilla is now a possibility
  8. bladexdsl
    • account closed
    • 4 kudos

  9. jet4571
    • premium
    • 480 kudos
    Yup this isn't hitting Hotfiles anytime soon lol. No worries there since it was a "on a whim mod". Went outside for a smoke and thought FO4 is missing bunny slippers so I made them. I wish I could say I was on drugs when I did that but I wasn't. Pink bunny slippers and pink bathrobes...