About this mod
This mod allows you to pick from various options on how long you want to wait before respawn. Unlimited and Instant are also included.
- Permissions and credits
This mod has been remade to allow for more different tastes on how long they would like their game to auto reload after death.
Now you have various time options as well as instant and unlimited options.
Included in the mod are the following options:
Instant Respawn
3 Second Respawn
7 Second Respawn
30 Second Respawn
60 Second Respawn
90 Second Respawn
120 Second Respawn
Unlimited Death Reload time
Sadly, like Skyrim, it will require a good camera modification mod to allow us to TFC around like in the older installments of Fallout.
If I develop the skill, I will build upon this mod, but I really cannot make any promises.
Recommended mod:
Please enjoy the mod and Rest In Peace.
Special thanks to Bethesda for making Creation kit. and to polraudio for making the first request that started other requests that eventually inspired the remake of this mod.