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About this mod


A standalone power armor paint job. Currently only for X01 suits.
Color options added in 1.2

Permissions and credits
:::::Hello friends! I'm no longer supporting this mod but anyone should feel free to do anything they like with it, credit not needed. - ogd:::::

What do you get that special maniac wasteland wanderer as a gift? What can you give the person (or synth, or ghoul) who kills by the dozens and takes whatever they want? Something special of course! Something to show the wasteland how dangerous they really are. Get them the power armor paintjob that screams (in terror) '
the bringer of death approaches!'

If you're interested in making something like this yourself, I made a short tutorial with some files to help.

I forgot to note that I'm using this mod for my frame : Kooj's Power Armor Frames : I had it on for so long I forgot to remove it for the videos. I didn't make it.

Thanks to Porter Hause for including this mod in his first review! Nice work on that, looking forward to more reviews.
Check it out right here:

Related and older videos: Version 1 Showcase Video

V 1.2
Fix: tones down the whites on the body, they were causing intense glare with chrome finish. Adds: several new flavors of color and chrome presets. Original is set to have a slight shine and crisper black/white contrast.
Note: These are all achieved by editing BGSM settings for specular and palettes files for colors. This saves a lot of space because each paint job still points to the original texture files. If you find a color could use adjusting, it's as easy as opening the associated file and color swapping one of the two tone types (Red & Black for example). Game has to be restarted to see those changes. Export as dds, over write, and generate mip maps. That's it!
Next version will be more complex and offer metallic details for the parts that should have them.

V 1.1
This version has a few small fixes. The offset for an image on the shoulder is improved, some accidental file dependencies are fixed, and by changing the BGSM files I made the suit darker, less reflective, and the whites more crisp. A future version will return the chrome elements and their shine.

V 1.0
This mod adds a standalone paint job, currently just for X01, that I have called Overkill. I wanted to mess around with custom PA textures and this was the result. There's a lot of great PA texture mods out there but I really wanted one that looked more like tattoos a very detailed paint scheme, and covered more area. I plan to make more, they'll be much less 'skull-centric'.

Shout outs to Worsin for his amazing and extensive power armor mod, and to Expired6978 for their compiler program. And to anyone else out there making awesome mods. Too many to list!

Next up : 
  • More armor variations (templates for PATT will come with these)
  • Color/texture variations (for all paint jobs to come as well) - scratched/shiny/etc & metallic finish options for applicable areas.
  • New paint jobs - 'Boston Graffiti' - 'Old School Tattoos' - ''The Patriot' - 'Lore friendly game specifics' (particularly for followers)
  • Fixes/Adjustments as required
  • Different (opposite) arm/leg options for each paint job.
  • All my PJ's show up in their own area.

Way ahead in the future plans:
  • Learning the secret to decals so they can be placed anywhere. Maybe through a script? Ideally I'd love to have a separate station which you activate where you can place decals as in settlement build mode (but they snap and flow over armor, and only apply to that) and size/rotate/save that, as well as define up to 5 presets. Wouldn't that be the sh*t?  :)
  • Some next level armor mods that add ridiculously cool options for wrist blades, arm and shoulder rocket launchers. Extreme, but I have some ideas to make it happen with FSE.

Thanks for looking! Don't forget to endorse and/or donate :)