About this mod
This Mod restores the damaged castle tunnels into a functional part of your minutemen stronghold
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Russian
Did you make an epic settlement at the Castle?
Did you use DDproductions mod to fix the walls?
did you make the Castle look epic again?
Shame that no matter how much work you put in to the settlement up top the tunnels supporting your castle are falling apart and collapsing.
This Mod I made for myself but I decided to share it on here, it repairs the castle tunnels and turns it into a nice part of your castle.
The Containers I used in this mod's armory are from the Bunker 1 Alpha mod by Jpitner
He gave me permission to use them in this mod.
I've also added some posters from this mod
This Mod does require the DLC's
It adds an armor and weapons workbench to the tunnels as well as a robot workbench.
I have left SARGE in the tunnels as and have NOT touched the final room of the tunnels at all, so in theory the quest line shouldn't be broken by this mod and it should be safe to use any time however for immersion purposes at least I recommend completing the quest first and then switching it on.
This is just the first most basic version,
I plan to do an updated version that fills all the shelves out and adds alot more clutter which I will post when it is finished, but some people might prefer the more cut down version so I'm going to upload that now :)
I may also do a version 3 with a grave/tribute to the general which would definitely break the quest and could only be used post-quest but would look alot tidier and a bit more immersive (that you would honor the fallen rather than leave him to rot) let me know in the comments if you'd like to see this.
The tunnel has been re-navmeshed as it was obviously inaccessible and uneven before, many of the rooms also had to be re-navmeshed because of the debris removal, It should work fine (piper followed me ok when I tested) but it may not be perfect. I also don't know if Ronnie follows a specific path during the questline or not.
WOW Guys, Thanks for so much love and support for this MOD.
Many many people have asked me about doing a DLCless version of this mod, Once a mod has been assigned a master in the creation kit you can't remove it, I've tried to remove the items in the CK and then use FO4Edit to clean the masters and this has removed the Automatron and Wasteland workshop requirements but its still clinging on to the Far harbor Masterfile and I don't know how to remove it,
I've added the version (1C) to files which now only requires far Harbor. if someone else wishes to take this file and remove the DLC association they are welcome to do so.
This adds a workbench as requested which allows you to edit the cell, This took me like 2 hours this evening to figure out (even with the helpful instructions I'd been sent) Considering any changes I want to make to it i'd just do in the CK I made this version purely for you guys since you asked for it so much :) This should prove how Much I love you!
Version 2C fixes the floor bug,
huge thanks to Jpitner for doing this, He also linked the workbenches to the workshop so he is amazing. Many thanks :)
I highly suggest checking out Eli's faction housing mod, if you load mine after hers in the load order both are compatible and it gives you an amazing general's quarters off the side of the tunnels.