LockedStickyI share a similar view as Undyne777 when it comes to patches for external mods.
I do not make patches for external mods.
Q: Why?
A: Quite frankly, there are so many different mods out there (scope overhauls, item sorting, ammo types, rebalances, etc.) that I can't keep track of them all. Heck, I don't even use most of them, so I do not believe it is my responsibility to make patches.
Q: You're the mod author, don't you think you should do it?
A: Nope. Other modders may do it (and props to them), but I have other things that I need to be focusing on for work, family, and friends. I don't get paid to do this (nor do I want to). Also, there are times I just want to play a game or work on a new project.
Q: Who will do it then?
A: Why don't you? I learned how to mod by tinkering with 3dsMax, and FO4edit then gradually learned new things over time. Maybe this your chance to step up and pitch in! :-)
Thank you for your understanding. -
StickyLatest Changes:
Hammer Cocked
Suppessor Gap Closed
Changed base damage to 45
Replaced Advance Receiver with Series 70 Government and Grip Textures by steveo2986
Edit: I've abandon work for the glow sights. The positioning of the sight broke after I attempted to fix a bug, I can't spend time on it right now trying to redo them so i'll have to come back to it at a later time.
- I tried to add the animation for the hammer but the problem is that the hammer does not slam it only moves back and forth like the slide, if anyone who knows how to correct this let me know please and thank you. I've left the hammer cocked for now til I find a fix for the animation. -
Does this conflict with Minuteman HQ-The Museum of Freedom Reborn since that mod fixes up the location the pistol is found in?
The OG version has no cell data and doesn't spawn in the museum. It has to be added via console.
Invis weap :*(
Hello. Sorry for asking this question, for it may seems presumptuous of me, but could you offer this mod in a BA2 Archive version? I ask because I like to use mods that don't use loose files, for various reasons If it is't possible, well, thank you anyways for this great mod. Have a nice day.
Edit: As of 2/24/2023, I've packed the mod into BA2 Archives. I hope you'll allow me to share with you the BA2 version of the mod, and upload it to the official files. I can share a link, if necessary.
I used BSArchPro to convert the loosefiles into BA2 Archives. -
The sound the gun makes after the update isn't the same as the video anymore. Why did this change? It sounded so good before and now it sounds terribel.
Enjoyed this all the way up until I installed the suppressor on it. It's not lined up with the barrel. Looks absolutely ridiculous because it's coming out of the plug underneath the barrel. Quickly replaced it with the Combined Arms M1911. Terrible...
why is the gun invisible for me???
Hey this is gonna be odd but the first person melee finisher with this has a weird bug. It will start but then the animation just cuts out and the enemy takes no damage. This also happens with the fn 502 mod from ardent. I posted on his page and he tested and said it happened for him as well, and he had no idea how to fix it. Any chance you have any ideas? This seems to be an issue specific to some modded weapons.
Edit: I love the mod by the way. The sound and appearance are perfect for what I like in my guns in fallout. :) -
the slide is disconnected and under the barrel, no matter which version i use this happens help